Selected pictures of Tibet- Rooftop of the world

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New Member
Sep 25, 2005
Singapore NE

1.Sera Monastery, Lhasa


2. Potala Palace, Lhasa


3. Potala Kora, Lhasa


4.The Jokhang, Lhasa


5.The Jokhang, Lhasa


6. Barkhor Square, Lhasa


7. Barkhor Square, Lhasa


8.Kids (I gave them the red pencil)


9. Food vendor, Lhasa


10. Join the Queue to watch TV, Gyantse, Tibet


11. Monk in Red, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Shigatse


12. Dancing Monks, Reting Monastery, Reting


14. Ganden Monastery, Tibet


15. Sera Monastery, Lhasa

I hope i can be there oneday. :(

Fantastic sceneries... :)

Is it difficult to breathe up there since air is very thin?? Would like to be there someday.

may i know the type of lens u used for the landscape? what is the spec of the lens used?thanks :)

Great series you have here. Makes one want to fly over to spent some time there.:thumbsup:

Fantastic sceneries... :)

Is it difficult to breathe up there since air is very thin?? Would like to be there someday.

Hi eAgles, Thanks for visiting. Yes the air up in Lhasa is rather thin because of the altitue (3500m). It took me about 4 days to somewhat acclimatise. Initially, a simple action like going up a short flight of stairs to reach my hostel room, left me very much breathless.

how much do you spend for this trip? it is one of my dream place to visit..

Hi tang90246. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

I did a 16 day trip under 2k as i stayed at budget hotels, ate street food or at local eateries (avoided restaurants) and shared vechicular costs with 3 other persons.
To give you an idea of cost there, a char siew pau costs like 10-20cents Sing. Dirt cheap, but damn nice.

Hi tang90246. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

I did a 16 day trip under 2k as i stayed at budget hotels, ate street food or at local eateries (avoided restaurants) and shared vechicular costs with 3 other persons.
To give you an idea of cost there, a char siew pau costs like 10-20cents Sing. Dirt cheap, but damn nice.

16 day under 2k is :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

#1 & #10 appear over sharpened, or the color contrast is too sharp.

#7 & #14 are the best. #7 for the long shadows/composition/colors. #14 - i love the scale absolutely.....


Hi tang90246. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

I did a 16 day trip under 2k as i stayed at budget hotels, ate street food or at local eateries (avoided restaurants) and shared vechicular costs with 3 other persons.
To give you an idea of cost there, a char siew pau costs like 10-20cents Sing. Dirt cheap, but damn nice.


so how do one get to there? thinking of going out of SG. considering tibet. wonder its nice up there now?

damn nice..
I think only can go there when my kid is all grown up, n my wife got her own mahjong kakis..

did you use any polariser or ND filter?
or just adjust some thru PS?

Very nice series. On a technical note, some pictures are oversharpened for my liking though.

love the pics .. must go there 1 day

why did u give them pencil?

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