Rustic bridge


New Member
Oct 2, 2010
Hi new to critique corner, but will try hard to live up to the standards:


1. in what area is critique to be sought?
I would like critique on my composition. I'm unsure whether i took it at a right angle, or is there something that could have been better.

2. what one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?
I hoped to capture the essence of this bridge: purposeful, yet beautiful after years of use. I tried to capture it at an angle to get a sun flare to contrast its dark and purposeful look, a dash of color.

3. under what circumstance is the picture taken? (physical conditions/emotions)
It was a bright sunny morning and i decided to go out and take this picture because this bridge is just right by my house. it has always intrigued me and i wanted a photo of it.

4. what the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture
I think that i have achieved the purposeful look of the bridge, yet with a dash of beauty emitting from the sun. yet there's something about this picture that just makes it plain. thinking of going out for another try, but still thinking of the right answer

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Hi, the bridge is chopped off halfway and tilted quite anot. Maybe you can try another perspective? Were you trying to capture a lens flare effect btw?

Guess your composition style does not work for me. I would prefer a wider capture and perhaps from different perspective.

thanks all for the c&c! yes i do agree that the frame is too zoomed in and not capturing much of the bridge. i'll try using a wider angle next time and try out the smaller aperture to give a "starry" effect to the sun flare i was trying to capture.