Review: Leica M6 TTL or Voigtlander Bessa R4M?


Senior Member
When I first got to know about rangefinders, I wasn't aware of the RF forum here in CS. I was first intrigued by the Voigtlander Bessa systems, before digging deeper to come to know about the overwhelming choices before me; Zeiss Ikon, Canon, Nikon, Contax, Yashica, Leica and many more. As I decided to have a RF camera with a meter and also wider framelines, the Bessa R4M seems like the best combination for me. And so, I was poisoned.

Coming into the RF scene, it is inevitable that you will hear of the comparison with this brand called Leica. Some said you cannot miss out Leica if you are into rangefinder. And so, my curiosity got the better of me and got myself plenty of information about Leica rangefinder cameras. I won't bother you with the classic advantages of Leica. In short, the ones that I found online that really captivate me include the "buttery smooth operation", "silent shutter" and "minimalist viewfinder".

I went online to search for a review comparing these 2 systems. There was only 1 review comparing the Voigtlander Bessa, Leica and Zeiss Ikon. This review talks a lot about the technical aspects, less of experiences such as handling, carrying it around and comfort of use. So I was in a dilemma whether a Leica can truly be so much different to a Bessa. Therefore, I sold some of my cameras to fund for a Leica M6 TTL. With that, I am able to do a comparison of my user experience between the 2 systems. Hope this review can provide those like me, undecided between the 2 systems, to know the pros and cons of handling the 2 cameras. This might cause a lot of controversy (for fans of their favorite respective brands), but I hope everyone can see this in good light. Thanks!

Do click on the link below to see the review I wrote on Film Shooters Collective.


In brief the comparison: A Russian made Lada is a car. A German made Mercedes is a car. You know which is better. No need to analyse so much. Not talking about value for money. Just compare performance.

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You seem to have omitted the biggest advantage of R4M - its viewfinder is built for wide angle lenses. Its the only RF with built in 21mm framelines! Thats a huuuuge boon to a 21 mm shooter who would not have to bother with an awkward external VF. Even if you find a Leica with 0.58 VF you won't have 21mm framelines.

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You seem to have omitted the biggest advantage of R4M - its viewfinder is built for wide angle lenses. Its the only RF with built in 21mm framelines! Thats a huuuuge boon to a 21 mm shooter who would not have to bother with an awkward external VF. Even if you find a Leica with 0.58 VF you won't have 21mm framelines.
Yes, noted. After I posted the review, I realized I forgot about the framelines. Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, the 21mm frameline is very useful for wide angle users and I personally appreciate that very much.

That's exactly what I thought too. In fact by having the .85 M6 (very nice, btw especially with the rewind knob) and the Bessa R4 you can have a 21/28mm and 50mm comfortably mounted and ready to shoot. Looks like a great 2 camera combo, complements each other well.

Personally, my R2 sounded A LOT lounder than my M6. Although the Bessa seems really well made for the $$, I really treated my Bessa like dirt yet it survived everything I threw at it. Haha! Lovely camera.

Another reason why I like my Bessa is that I don't have to worry about the shutter getting burnt. I hate lens cap and I leave my cam in the car all the time so... One thing I didn't like is that the spring tension on the shutter release button is kinda stiff, would be nice of it had a softer touch. Both are great cameras, just different

Got a M6 classic a little while ago, the viewfinder is very disappointing. It flares way too easily, I've never had that problem with the Bessa(which is a tad brighter than a brand new digital M, too). Although the M6 had the advantage of a longer baseline and softer touch on the shutter release button(which I really like), the poor viewfinder killed it for me.

the m6ttl has rewind crank, your copy has the knob.