Qns on white balance and EV setting..

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can someone give me more guidance on how to use the white balance and EV setting ? i read the manual liao....still dun quite understand,....

and i tried to use the slow sync flash mode for nite shots...not very gd...

if i turn off the flash....its seems better....y ?

me no time to write essay.... Need to study for test.... but I'll answer one of your question first.

i tried to use the slow sync flash mode for nite shots...not very gd...
if i turn off the flash....its seems better....y ?

When you switch off the flash, your camera sets a long exposure to capture the available light. This, usually give nice image. With Slow sync flash, the camera meters so that the exposure is longer than what is needed if normal flash is used. This way, some ambient light is captured, before the flash comes in to complete the exposure. So it's a cross between a long exposure and a flash shot. It can be used to capture things in the dark that moves, making long exposure not possible, so having a slow sync will get some ambient light, but still make the exposure short enough.

Hee Hee, any old birds correct me if i'm wrong... Now to go rest and study for test...:p

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