Pure newbie got his S602Z

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New Member
Dec 23, 2002
Hillview, Singapore
Newbie here!

I've just bought my S602Z.
Do I use a filter to protect my lens?
If yes, can recommend some?
Is the SLIK U9000 good enough for a newbie?
If no, please recommend some too.
Can recommend some Compact Flash too?
I prefer 256mb to 512mb...
How about a dry cabinet?
I need one to store my investments...
I prefer a not too small or a not too big one...

Please tell me where to get it at the best price. I trust you guys! Thank you very MUCH!

Yes, you'll need a UV filter, you definitely don't want to go hunting for a 602 every 3 weeks.

The SLIK9000 is ok. Good enough.

Get 256, don't get 512, if you can get 512, might as well buy a X-Drive. Try Transcend 5 yrs warranty, @ $165 (Dec 2002 price) from Funan Memory World.

Dry cabinet think can get from carrefour, any air tight one would do.

Ridata costs ~$140 for 256MB and works well with the camera.

Have you gotten a lens adaptor? You need to put it on in order to use the UV filter. If you plan to buy the fuji original teleconverter or wide-angle converter, you could save on getting the lens adaptor as one is bundled in the package for the tele or wide converter.

As for the filter, Zerstorer could help :) He's using a skylight filter (instead of a UV one) and it supposedly help to correct some minor white balance inaccuracies.

welcome to 602 family~ ;) it's better to get dry cabinet, small investment for long run, otherwise u will cry if u find fungus on ur cam lens in the future...

Is there such a thing as pure or unpure newbie? :p :devil:

Okok, kidding! :) Anyway, welcome to the Fuji/S602 family.

Happy shooting with your camera and of course, start posting! :)

Originally posted by pker88
btw how much is the lens adaptor for the 602z?
oEM or original one?
any diff?
around $18 for 3rd party 55-52?

original one is 55-55. ;)

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