Pinky:st #1 - Good Friday Outing

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beetlejuice said:
haha, wah have to wear scarf and boots ah haha hot sia... here no winter leh haha. :bsmilie:

sacrifices are necessary for photography... :bsmilie:

Hobbesyeo said:
sacrifices are necessary for photography... :bsmilie:

yea! we take photos also sweat alot mah! haha :bsmilie:

acidfilth said:
Is it okay to bring a friend along? He owns Pinkys too... but he's not from CS.

Ok will add him to the list. How many pinkys he has? So that I can add to the model counts.

illustrious said:
another one!!?? haha!! :thumbsup:

yea yea! why not? wait for ppl organise TFCD for bettlejuice.. haha...

illustrious said:
Ok will add him to the list. How many pinkys he has? So that I can add to the model counts.

Friend bringing 6 Pinkys! :sweatsm:

John Teoh said:
We will have one every each month. This month is S11loop :thumbsup:

lol ok.. this month S11loop next month hazekang so bettlejuice muz wait till june rite?

alex01sg said:
Can I go also...
but need to use what lens to take?

1st question : i think there's a last slot available.. check 1st post...

2nd question: i think macro lens? :dunno: i'm a noob using a fixed lens prosumer cam... so u gotta ask the gurus.. lol..

John Teoh said:
Hazy having his exam leh.. dun stress him too much lah

so bettlejuice will be in MAY....;) right ?????????????????????

O no!!!!
last time I never go for TFCD session.
but now it seem I am going for many TFCDs at one GO..:sweat: :sweat:

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