Photography Notes For Newbies

Just happened to see this, very informative. Thanks.

Very helpful.... Thanks for sharing all this notes... ;)

great stuff.
helped my friend GD alot.

Thank you very much for sharing! Very useful for a newbie like me. I can now see some light at the end of the tunnel.. :)

Hello to everyone Im new here.. Thanks

Good One!! :)

Thanks!! This helps!! :D

At least i (Newbie) got to understand the relations between shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO better.

Great effort :thumbsup:

good stuff. passed them to my friend

Very Informative! tnx! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

thanks for the note!

very Useful information, will passed it to my friends too :)


5 months after getting my 1st dslr, I am back to where I have started it all, to consolidate what have been learnt through this informative summary and the experience of trying hundreds of shots with the different settings.

Thanks Sulhan once again who got everything ready at the click of the mouse for the benefit of everyone and also newbies like me. Great Job.

thanks.. good tips. quite easy to understand also

This is brilliant. Thanks so much for sharing! The section on handling was exceptionally helpful, corrected my posture for clearer shots.