Photography & Business - What are the "expected" roles


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2004
Hi guys...

This might be useful for those who is considering working as a photographer and run the business themselves.

These are the things that always get people confuse and believe everything is too difficult when come to work as a photographer and run the business at the same time.

Here is the role of a photographer:
1. Developing Photography Skill set - Both in using the equipment, shoot technique and the post production
2. Maintaining Photography related Equipments

Here is the main role as a business operator:
1. Accounting - You will need to know how to file all your papers for tax purposes
2. Finance - You will need to understand how to "divide" your money for different purpose
3. Business Development - You will need to understand how to develop the business and market segment
4. Marketer - You will need to understand how to market your business
5. Business Planning Strategy - You will need to know how to plan a strategy for your business
6. Client Service - You will need to start developing skill set to deal with clients and how to serve them
7. Web Development - You will need to understand how to maintain a website, and the rest of the web associated marketing strategy
8. Debt Collection - You will need to understand how to get paid

Of course, you can let others to do your business operation for you while you concentrate on the photography. Many forget that even with a good photography skill set, unless you have someone to manage your business, you will still have to do it themselves.

The photography is a vehicle, the business side is the driver which determine the direction and where to go.

There are different way of doing photography as a business... You can decide to join a company who manage the Business Side for you or you can do it all yourself.

Being successful in both largely determine by how much you enjoy both equations.

I hope this gives some of you some insight why many say it is darn difficult to be successful in this area.

If you could care less about the business side, join a company...

If you prefer to run the business but no go with photography, then ask photographer to work together

If you like to run the business and good with photography, then it is better to do it yourself.

Just different options to think about.

Last but not least... don't do the same thing and expect different result.



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