Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land - The Mid-East Crisis

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dDarkroom said:
oh my bad....

In reading anthropoloy, in the library donkey years ago, religion is the main building block of the pre-hisotoric society/tribal and it is true in modern society. The concept of some supernatural beings were readily accepted by the people then because there is a lack of scientific knowledge - hence you have the thunder god, sea god, etc. It is a powerful tool to unite the people or to control the people. Hence, even secular government cannot afford to neglect racial and religious harmony.

Most religions have a political-social root/agenda, namely the compilation of the Torah by moses. Some religions were founded by individuals who wanted to make sense of things (most likely - human suffering) happening around them and adopted a philosophical approach -e.g buddhism.

this is my limited knowlegde of the root of religions.

In reading pscs2 in the library I found peace.
May the force be with you.

In other words, you have limited reading which in no way make you an expert on the subject, am I right is saying so? By that token, will you say it is fair that I dismiss your conclusions on the basis of the lack of competent knowledge on the subject matter? Some of the most outstanding scientific minds of history, including Albert Einstein, were believers of a Creator of man and the universe. I'm sure you would not put that down to having a lack of a critical mind?

dDarkroom said:
oh my bad....

In reading anthropoloy, in the library donkey years ago, religion is the main building block of the pre-hisotoric society/tribal and it is true in modern society. The concept of some supernatural beings were readily accepted by the people then because there is a lack of scientific knowledge - hence you have the thunder god, sea god, etc. It is a powerful tool to unite the people or to control the people. Hence, even secular government cannot afford to neglect racial and religious harmony.

Most religions have a political-social root/agenda, namely the compilation of the Torah by moses. Some religions were founded by individuals who wanted to make sense of things (most likely - human suffering) happening around them and adopted a philosophical approach -e.g buddhism.

this is my limited knowlegde of the root of religions.

In reading pscs2 in the library I found peace.
May the force be with you.
Ayah! Religion is beyond science lah! It is a complete different dimension, science as we know now is still too limited to explain the universe and what spirituality is. I don't think that we will ever be able to explain all that is about religion........

Please keep those two separate as they are separate, and respect those that believe as well as respect those that does not believe......just keep to your own business.


dkw said:
In other words, you have limited reading which in no way make you an expert on the subject, am I right is saying so? By that token, will you say it is fair that I dismiss your conclusions on the basis of the lack of competent knowledge on the subject matter? Some of the most outstanding scientific minds of history, including Albert Einstein, were believers of a Creator of man and the universe. I'm sure you would not put that down to having a lack of a critical mind?

Albert , that believer of a moral god, yet dumped his wife - who stood by him when he was a nobody, after tasting sucess.

Hey, I just finished reading Adobe Photoshop CS - The Art Of Photographing Women by Kevin Ames in AMK Library. It contains ton of pscs techniques. My soul is refreshed.

hongsien said:
Ayah! Religion is beyond science lah! It is a complete different dimension, science as we know now is still too limited to explain the universe and what spirituality is. I don't think that we will ever be able to explain all that is about religion........

Please keep those two separate as they are separate, and respect those that believe as well as respect those that does not believe......just keep to your own business.


are you saying that beside scientific explanation of thunders and lightning there is a spiritual implication - hmmm...could it be someones up there are shifting their furnitures and watering their gardens.

I am referring to the spiritual experience of religion, which you off course don't have.........

dDarkroom said:
are you saying that beside scientific explanation of thunders and lightning there is a spiritual implication - hmmm...could it be someones up there are shifting their furnitures and watering their gardens.

hongsien said:
I am referring to the spiritual experience of religion, which you off course don't have.........
btw spiritual experience need not be connected to any form of religion, and it is very subjective.

please don't assume that i'm not an enlightened being.

My belief is that GREED is the root of all the problems.

Remove GREED from the earth and we can live in peace.


Have a look at this !

The ceasefire campaign has been picking up amazing steam, with 70,000 people from over 100 countries signing the petition in just the last two days. The global public outcry of the last weeks is also having an impact, pushing the UN Security Council to meet around the clock on this problem.

We've got just 48 hours before the Council may finally vote on the Middle East crisis. The US government is still pushing for a dubious plan that allows Israeli troops to remain in Lebanon and make some "defensive" attacks. Civilians caught in this awful war need a real ceasefire. Can you help us deliver 150,000 signatures to the UN Security Council by Thursday morning? Please forward the email below to everyone you know (or at least a few close friends!) to help us reach this goal.

Ricken Patel, Ceasefire Campaign

At the end of the day it is all about politics. Religion aside, when people are told by their leaders that the other side wants their total and absolute destruction, they listen and fight to protect themselves.

Politically, many parties stand to gain from this conflict. USA, in the crippling of the Hezbollah which it still has a score to settle for the bombing of the Beruit Marine Base a decade ago which left 200 over Marines dead. Syria and Iran in which Hezbollah victory is a morale boost for the Islamic cause against Israel. It is also a diversion from Iran' nuclear program.

At the end of the day, the war will rage on and more will die simple because too many issues and parties are involved. Petitions or protests won't stop this war.

If you allow me to dream? I will dream of an army that is superior in firepower and resources and does not take sides. Using the latest in non lethal technology to launch stimultaneous crippling attacks on all sides' weapons to force a cease fire on both sides. Also to kidnap all the leaders involved and force them to talk to each other on a negoiation table. But of course that is only a dream...

they ceased fire with disgraced. hmmm...The Promised Land theory...I meant mythology.

Conan said:
For journalists out there:

Personally, if your God tells you not to tolerate thy neighbor, and he tells you to die and kill in his name, what room is there for dialogue with "the enemy"?
Thats because the terrorists don't tell the new recruits in what context the (smaller) Jihad is supposed to be followed. They are being told that the West is attacking Islam.........(whether this is true or not is not relevant for them).

They are not being told that in defending Islam, no innocent civilians are to be killed, no animals, no trees, not even grass.......they are taught a distorted view of Islam, actually these people are not Muslims themselves anymore! They are only guided by hate, and that hate is fuelled by the presence of the US in the Middle East.

So: a solution to all this would be that the US withdraws all their US bases in Saudi Arabia and other places, plus the Palestinians should have their own state and not infiltrated by illegal Israeli settlements, and the Hamas/Hezbollah should accept the existence of Israel whether they like iot or not cause it is a fact.

The greater (and more important) Jihad is more about reducing your ego, to become more humble and become closer to Allah. This is why Muslims do their Ramadan, most Christians also had this Ramadan, but had done away with it long ago.

I think it is good that you go to this site for more accurate info on all religions:

Hong Sien

Conan said:
For journalists out there:

Personally, if your God tells you not to tolerate thy neighbor, and he tells you to die and kill in his name, what room is there for dialogue with "the enemy"?

Please read the NY Post with a BIG grain of salt. Extremely biased pro-Israel stance as is the majority of US media. Heck the writer is Jewish herself. :nono:

At the end of the day, insurgency would only stop when the insurgents have nothing to fight for. In this month's National Geographic is a interview with renowned Egyptian novelist (I will go get the name and put it here), he said this "The West have a mistaken idea that Jihadis kill themselves to go to heaven and sleep with a virgin, let me tell you it is much more pleasurable to sleep with a woman than to go kill oneself. The Jihadis do it because in this life they have no hope but they think they will be better in the next life"

Until the West and Israel stop oppressing the Muslims, the war will never end. And we will live in constant fear. Not knowing when is the next strike. Until the Jews realised that they are wrong in what they do and until the Muslims realised that it is better to sit down and talk than to destroy. Only then will we find peace. Until then... the fighting will not end.

At least there is hope, American Jews are collecting money for Israelite victims of the recent engagement. Some independent Jews not belonging to any society are calling that funds should be given to Lebanonese that have suffered so much more. Although most Jews feel that money should be only for Israelites and not to others, at least there are those that think otherwise.

Read today’s news?
Here's what I read today. "Bush says Israel defeated Hezbollah". This statement is too simplistic view of the situation.

After so much collateral damage and lost of innocent lives. The real losers are US President’s/UK's Bliar severely damaged credibility and lost of face. Even with the support of the US in buying time to help Israel in getting rid of Hezbollah the problem has not disappeared and this will complicate even more than before the war.

US says Hezbollah lost control of South Lebanon, that is really superficial analysis, in the coming Lebanese election the key thing to observe is how much inroad has Hezbollah captured in their public's eye and how many more parliamentary seats they gained in the Lebanese government because of this war, that would be key...

This recent short war saw a rise in support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and depending on how things pan out, it could be that they lost control of South Lebanon and gain control of the entire country. See how the Palestinians voted, just to spite the US…

So was it a good thing or a big UN failure with US/UK leading the way? In my view, this complicates any attempts to disarm or sideline Hezbollah and only bring Hezbollah to the forefront, already they have 14 seats in Lebanon's parliament and who knows what will happen next.

The world leaders must learn that might alone is never the answer, fire power and air bombardment will only cause collateral damage and lost to innocent lives and still not get rid of the problem.

When will we ever learn? :( :bheart:


Actually the victory is to Hezbollah and radical Muslims globally. Hezbollah did not have to win the confrontation, the key to victory for them was just to hold their ground and survive. However they did more than survive, they counter attacked and punched holes in Israelite armour defence. To the Arab and Muslim world, that is a great boost of prestige and also sadly will be a boost for more attacks to come.

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