[ortega] A P&S shot a week

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ortega said:
dun like that lah, the camera did all the work. it is a P&S remember :embrass:

But it stills takes a creative person behind the camera to composed the pic well. :thumbsup:

Taurean said:
But it stills takes a creative person behind the camera to composed the pic well. :thumbsup:
thanks for the vote of confidence
but seriously i did not even compose that shot
just stick my hand out the window and agar agar :bsmilie:

just lucky i guess or good camera karma

ortega said:

Love the picture, like photo in the car brochures. You very brave ya to take this photo. ha2. Really pro lar, driving also still thinking of taking photo :thumbsup:

thank you for your overly kind comments

actually it only shows that the P&S cameras are getting better
and that no matter what camera you use, you need to know your camera
to make full use of it

(i learn some of that from my master eikin, he likes to press all the buttons and try all the functions :) )

I like the shot man! :thumbsup:

i can actually feel the fierceness!

my tiny tiny 2 cents: Would have preferred if the bg was a bit cleaner and more space to the left

Hi ortega. May I know which of your P&S did u use for your last 2 pics? The P2 or ixus800? Just curious lah ... U've proven time and again it's not the equipment, but the man behind the camera :thumbsup:

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