Online Printing - beside

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Jan 18, 2002
Western SG
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So far for online printing, I use

The pros:
1) Can choose kodak paper or fuji paper (they have 2 lab)
2) Have online package to sign up now and then ... cost per 4R lesser than 50 cents.
3) Provide delivery $2.00 or can choose to self-collect
4) Membership scheme entitle to 10% discount
5) Can request for white borders

The Cons:
1) Not consistence prints - depend on the lab tech?
2) Only 10mb for online storage, cannot store and reprint later.

So any other have uses other online printing can share your experience?

one thing weird abt fotohub is that they absolutely refuse to provide a colour ICC profile. they claim that they have to "recalibrate the machine everyday". When i reasoned that if they really recalibrate everday, doesn't it mean they calibrate to a fixed standard every time? the guy give me the impression that its a hit n miss affair, that its up to ur luck wehther u get the color that u want or not.

Personally i find this "calibrating everyday" excuse rather lame as if you realyl calibrate properly everyday to a fixed standard, the prints should turn out the same whether i send it to u on monday or tuesday or friday or one month later.

however, if he were to say "oh the machine is so unstable that despite calibrating everday it always changes color" then maybe its more logical, albeit unacceptable regardless.


Now fotohub doesn't provide white borders for online delivery orders.
They are charging 5 cents per 4R :( BUT not in their billing system.

So must do self-collect then can order white borders.

Anyone have other online printing suggestions?

kodak express website is charging 40cts for 4R prints and $5 handling which include postage which i find it quite reasonable.can request for 50mb storage space too.

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