Olympus Live Composite Function

Both raw and JPEG according the Olympus site, Paiseh my camera still out with another bro so hope this is right.

Sweet. Thanks for the info. Cause it's not stated in the menu and I haven't have time to try this function. Being able to save as raw is sweet.

Sweet. Thanks for the info. Cause it's not stated in the menu and I haven't have time to try this function. Being able to save as raw is sweet.

Raw+jpg is possible, it's default what I shoot with. See which one better than decide. Ya, to shoot in raw is important as some light trail can be blown and hard to recover in jpg.

I see... thanks!.... hopefully over the coming weekends I will have the time to go test the LC out..

We did chat abit... actually my friend and myself did not sign up for it.... but you invited us in :) thanks!.... made my trip down Funan totally worth this time round...

Oic, I think I rmbr, 2 young guys:)

Is it possible to do live composite without tripod?

When is the next round of training session?

No tripod can't do. Next round dunno leh haha. I'll see if can do a m43 outing this month. But no promises hor.

My (domestic) visa expired for this year hahaha

Hiya, making fun of me is fun de haha, anyways, I will try to do a m43 outing of live functions if possible within this year. Else sure Spidey89 can organise one too, he's so free now haha

Hiya, making fun of me is fun de haha, anyways, I will try to do a m43 outing of live functions if possible within this year. Else sure Spidey89 can organise one too, he's so free now haha

That's what I said but no one responded to me, it's clear, the people have spoken, they want you lol

Another try of Live Comp function
Just trying to learn more before doing serious composition


It simply removed all the people in the picture, It is much simpler than BULB mode.
I live this function

This scene don't need to shoot in live composite mode. Most of the time, we have to trial and error to find out what will be the exposure time required under low light situations where u will starts to get blown highlights and it's always best to shoot in raw format because in PP I can easily recover those highlights.

U can't compare bulb and composite mode like that. As bulb mode can be use under extremely low light conditions to create very interesting photos that composite can't do. For e.g., light painting.

Thanks for the comments

Have not tried RAW, so will need to learn how to use that, currently all jpg only

Yes Agree that in BULB, we could use in extreme low light where livecomp could not work, but for most others live comp is easier to get the useable photo the very first time

This scene don't need to shoot in live composite mode. Most of the time, we have to trial and error to find out what will be the exposure time required under low light situations where u will starts to get blown highlights and it's always best to shoot in raw format because in PP I can easily recover those highlights.

U can't compare bulb and composite mode like that. As bulb mode can be use under extremely low light conditions to create very interesting photos that composite can't do. For e.g., light painting.

Honestly, I'd rather live bulb with a super long exposure cause I'm seeing ghosts everywhere in your picture

Honestly, I'd rather live bulb with a super long exposure cause I'm seeing ghosts everywhere in your picture

Agreed bro.Live composite is better use on image with no other distracting back ground moving objects other then the subject ,otherwise alot of ghosting ,unless extend the exposure time to 10sec and beyond,but then it is more suited for night scence as the whole photo will be blown in broad day light ,unless nd filter is used.

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Another Live Comp practice



Comments and criticism are warmly welcome, Thanks for your advice in advance.
I am new to this stuff, so your comments are really helpful for me to understand better.


Wow. Got time I will also test it out