Noob close up shot

Must go change liao :p but or, i set it on my camera, in here how you see?

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From this pic can see that its a bit soft. Can't really tell if its due to movement or focus. Any crop?

Your JPG EXIF contains your name. Dunno if its Flickr related.

I got crop it to smaller. It should be my movement/focus.... hehe

From the enlarge version can tell that there is handshake. Maybe it's time to invest in a flash or tripod. =)
Composition wise it's fine. Background is nice too.

Seems like the focus is a little off, the plant it's resting on looks quite sharp

Ok spree, will take note the focus next time.
Thanks Orionmystery for the compliment.
Diavonex, that one quite heavy. and i got their tripod series, kinda regret buying it but the price for their tripod is cheaper than the rest of the brand

On 09 08 2011.
C&C Welcome :)





wow, especially like the dragonfly and the first orchid(s) photo!!!

good attempt!

Nice DF shot.:thumbsup:

Hi Madmartian and Dansen,

Thank you for the compliment. Its definitely also an encouragement for newbies like me.