Newbie shots

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New Member
Dec 11, 2003
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hi all

some lousy shots from JBP... just started to learn how to use DSLR... all taken with EFS 55-250mm






Not bad for a start. :)

Some of them look a little blur (even at this small size), probably due to a combination of handshake + subject's motion. You may want to up the shutter speed.

thanks... handshake is pretty bad.
will upping the shutter speed cause underexposure?
i was shooting at 60-100 at iso 800...using Tv

Depends on whether you have reached the limits of your camera & lens. For a higher shutter speed, the ISO will either have to be higher or the aperture larger for the same exposure. Hence, if you are already at the highest ISO and largest aperture for your camera, increasing the shutter speed any further will lead to under-exposure.

oic, camera wise, i think i'm the one limiting it :D

Thread starter was using shutter priority mode with his cam. He can go manual to open the aperture up wide and set shutter speeds faster than 1/100. With an DSLR maybe he can try going ISO up to 1600. Observe proper shooting posture, half-press focus lock prior to pressing the shutter.

I also notice his exposure compention at Shutter priority was 0 most of tthe time. Maybe it could be compensated?

Thread starter was using shutter priority mode with his cam. He can go manual to open the aperture up wide and set shutter speeds faster than 1/100. With an DSLR maybe he can try going ISO up to 1600. Observe proper shooting posture, half-press focus lock prior to pressing the shutter.

I also notice his exposure compention at Shutter priority was 0 most of tthe time. Maybe it could be compensated?

yep exp comp was zero. no confidence to go full manual yet.
wife will kill me if no half decent photos comes out of a family outing.
will practise more of course :)

Besides mastering your camera, you will also need to pick up some photoshop skills/techniques. :) Here is a sample of what you can achieve through photoshop.


Besides mastering your camera, you will also need to pick up some photoshop skills/techniques. :) Here is a sample of what you can achieve through photoshop.


that is a definite :).
i usually just load pics as it is.

IN general jsut try to get to animals eye level or some eye contact. As for post processing unless you set the parametes in camera to give it that punch, DLSR's results are usually quite flat and soft. Your camera comes with a pretty decent software for editing JPGs and RAW files. Try it out and you will be surprised just how much difference a little post-processing can make.

nice shots for a newbie :D

for a start, to prevent handshake, one would usually use a shutter speed of 1/focal length of faster (that is: if u are shooting at 250mm, u shd try to 1/250s or above) however, with the 4-stop IS built-in into this lens, u can shoot at lower shutter speeds, but ur holding/standing and shooting posture shd be stable to get optimum stability.

for most of the shots, i see that they are composed with subjects dead centre. try different framing and composition techniques to improve the visual impact of the photos. can read up on re-composing/framing/rule of thirds/etc to improve. :D


nice shots for a newbie :D

for a start, to prevent handshake, one would usually use a shutter speed of 1/focal length of faster (that is: if u are shooting at 250mm, u shd try to 1/250s or above) however, with the 4-stop IS built-in into this lens, u can shoot at lower shutter speeds, but ur holding/standing and shooting posture shd be stable to get optimum stability.

for most of the shots, i see that they are composed with subjects dead centre. try different framing and composition techniques to improve the visual impact of the photos. can read up on re-composing/framing/rule of thirds/etc to improve. :D


thanks for the tips.
i'm quite bad with composition, usually just want to capture the subject.
my wife always say i have no "eye" and insists she's much better. my answer is "get your own camera" haha :D

Haiya.... TS don't be disheartened... considered good already for a newbie.... we're all here to learn right? Me also still learning....

thanks for the tips.
i'm quite bad with composition, usually just want to capture the subject.
my wife always say i have no "eye" and insists she's much better. my answer is "get your own camera" haha :D

if yr wife say so... dont just ask her to get her own camera. both of u can agree on a theme then both can went out shooting using the same cam.

post what u think is yr best photo(s) and her best photo(s) that related to the theme and let fellow CSers comment.

to make it more fun, don't tell us who shoot which photos. just ask which photo(s) are better.

if yr wife say so... dont just ask her to get her own camera. both of u can agree on a theme then both can went out shooting using the same cam.

post what u think is yr best photo(s) and her best photo(s) that related to the theme and let fellow CSers comment.

to make it more fun, don't tell us who shoot which photos. just ask which photo(s) are better.

great idea! like that can share cost of lenses :D

how's this for composition?


great idea! like that can share cost of lenses :D

how's this for composition?


blown out highlights, totally no details on subject (heron)... try to use your histogram to have an idea of what kind of exposure you have during the shoot..

composition wise.... i think you put too much space on top... a tighter crop would be much better..

just my newbie thought....

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