New L lens finally!

the 70-300l looks interesting to serious amateur sports shooters :D. 70-300L for outdoor and 135L for indoor sports would be nice :D

the 70-300l looks interesting to serious amateur sports shooters :D. 70-300L for outdoor and 135L for indoor sports would be nice :D

have they announced the price for the 70-300 L in singapore yet??

i thought its 8-15mm f2.8 L IS...:angry::angry:
need to wait for another 3 years!!!;(;(

i dont think using the 70-300L during F1 is a good idea. It is quite a slow lens leh, considering its aperture. a telephoto f2.8 lens would be better cos singapore f1 is night race
i was using my 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 L IS during last two races, 4.5-5.6 is more than enough,with the ligths 1000x brighter than ordinary one,...:sweat::sweat::sweat:

Where is the Canon 14-24mm f2.8L wide zoom lens that is anticipated to be launching to compete with Nikon?

I have a hunch that Canon failed to correct the abberations and came out with the fisheye zoom instead. :bsmilie:

Had the intention to get 70-200 f/4 IS as my long lens. Now gotta reconsider with the new 70-300 L. Apart from price and weight (760g vs 1050g), waiting to see how is the change in aperture spread across the focal lengths. Hoping better than the non-L.

stick to the f4 IS. If going by my DO, it is likely the 70-300 will drop to f4.5 by 100mm, f5.0 by 150mm and f5.6 by 200mm.

Not too sure why they released the 70-300L. Kind of like killing off the 70-300 DO even though the latter is lighter and shorter when locked and packed for storage. Can a lens that extends when zoomed be weather sealed?

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