New and worried

Just get a blower and blow out any dust will do if you are scared. I dun think it will do any damage.

Thanks guys for the replies, my camera is fine after all haha. I'm a newbie to photography so I make alot of stupid mistakes, need some time to know how to take care of my equipments properly.

Stupid thing is, I tried wiping my filter with a cloth(those kind used for cleaning spectacle lens), and when I wipe just a small bit it made something like a static sound. I stopped after trying it again for fear of damaging it. Hope I did not scratch it :(

Oh man.. Taking care of my dslr is even tougher than taking care of my partner haha.. It's nice to have people sharing advises here, thanks! :)

Thanks guys for the replies, my camera is fine after all haha. I'm a newbie to photography so I make alot of stupid mistakes, need some time to know how to take care of my equipments properly.

Stupid thing is, I tried wiping my filter with a cloth(those kind used for cleaning spectacle lens), and when I wipe just a small bit it made something like a static sound. I stopped after trying it again for fear of damaging it. Hope I did not scratch it :(

Oh man.. Taking care of my dslr is even tougher than taking care of my partner haha.. It's nice to have people sharing advises here, thanks! :)

Huh? Just know this... your camera is not as weak as you imagine it to be. It is not make of tofu... and I wipe my filters all the time with even tissue paper, hanky and stuff like that... note that the front element of your filter is make of glass and glass is harder than your anti-static cloth, and I don't think the multi-coating will come out that easily too. I know people's whose camera go through much worst abuse and can still work fine.

Thanks guys for the replies, my camera is fine after all haha. I'm a newbie to photography so I make alot of stupid mistakes, need some time to know how to take care of my equipments properly.

Stupid thing is, I tried wiping my filter with a cloth(those kind used for cleaning spectacle lens), and when I wipe just a small bit it made something like a static sound. I stopped after trying it again for fear of damaging it. Hope I did not scratch it :(

Oh man.. Taking care of my dslr is even tougher than taking care of my partner haha.. It's nice to have people sharing advises here, thanks! :)

Hahah it's not as tough as you think. Don't worry, you will get the hang out of it! :D

Glad that your camera is fine. Just be a bit more careful in the future. For once, I thought your sibling actually used the camera as an ashtray.

Hi guys, I'm new to photography and I just bought a D3100 yesterday.

Sibling took it, removed the lens and body cap and held it close while smoking(not very long though). My colleague told me that the damage from cigarette smoke going into the body is can be pretty bad so I'm quite worried now(dslr very costly for me, don't want 1st day got problems already). To what extent will the cigarette smoke damage the camera and is there any ways to clean up?

Thanks in advance!

Glad that your camera is fine. Just be a bit more careful in the future. For once, I thought your sibling actually used the camera as an ashtray.

someone really did it. old picture but... you get the idea
