My Vending Machine!

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New Member
Mar 1, 2004
Did a shoot over the weekend...

Critiques, comments and pointers are most welcomed...



since ur pic is under "portrait & poses" i assume u were trying to shoot the model's portrait more than that she is suppossed to love the vending machine alot..

did you have a makeup artist? or does ur model do makeup for herself?
ur pic seems more inclined toward the fashion category so you have to pay attention to your model's skin & make up colours.

either you conceal, conceal the blemishes, do touchups in PS or get a model with good skin.

my suggesstions for the colours would be really bright coloured nails (to go along with the brights on the eyes & lips)


Hi Silverfrond...

Thks much for your pointers... will be more aware of these things in my next shoot...

Well, am actually experimenting with lighting just from the vending machine... and see if I can convey some form of link between the model, the machine and the viewer...

want to know how others view the photo as well as the technicalities which I have overlooked which you have aptly pointed out.

Will try harder and be more aware the next time round...

Interesting that you will use a vending machine as your light source and good on you for trying something different but this shot doesn't flatter your subject.

I don't mean to be rude, but you might want to do some touch up for subject's face.

imagine said:
Hi Silverfrond...

Thks much for your pointers... will be more aware of these things in my next shoot...

Well, am actually experimenting with lighting just from the vending machine... and see if I can convey some form of link between the model, the machine and the viewer...

want to know how others view the photo as well as the technicalities which I have overlooked which you have aptly pointed out.

Will try harder and be more aware the next time round...

hi, imagine!

i can see wat ur trying to achieve with ur shot. u might want to try a fill in light to lighten up the shadows a bit. can either use a flash (bouncing off a card or use a diffuser) or a reflector? i found that the shadows hid much of the model's facial features.... unless u were trying to achieve it? :think:

oh yeah, dun worry to much abt the blemishes. 2 schools of thot - (a) PS away, or (b) au natural. really up to you. my choice to (b). :D

Guess I should have paid much more attention to the details...

Nightwolf: Yup, a fill-in prolly would have lightened up the shadow... but I guess I felt a little more adventurous that day, and just wanted to see what I can do with the existing light from the vending machine, and see how I can use it to conjure up a "form" and link btw the photo and the viewer..

Wolfgang: Dun worry.. know u din mean to be rude ;)

Keep the critiques coming... But in all fairness, hope that the comments are not solely on the model... would also like to know what works, and what don't for ya.


Think I know what you were trying to do... The make up 's too saturated to be of an attitude... needs to be more subtle. The focus seems missing, maybe because of the concentration span went a little too close to the vending machine. Looser shot may work... Fundamentals pretty good, just that you ain't pushing your image hard enough.... Eye element not there I think... Come studio next time...

Here's an alternative view to the photo, from the perspectives of my girlfriend who did the PS on it after she saw the photo of the model from my saturday's shoot


what do u guys think?

pointblankshots said:
Think I know what you were trying to do... The make up 's too saturated to be of an attitude... needs to be more subtle. The focus seems missing, maybe because of the concentration span went a little too close to the vending machine. Looser shot may work... Fundamentals pretty good, just that you ain't pushing your image hard enough.... Eye element not there I think... Come studio next time...

Thks Ced for your pointers... will take note of them all... and will be more mindful about the entire mood of the picture...


Thought the second shot is more "retro-y" and "club-y" with the inclusion of neon-like colors. Personally prefer the second shot. Her facial features are clearer too while her complexion seems smoother.

Thought the second shot is more "retro-y" and "club-y" with the inclusion of neor-like colors. Personally prefer the second shot. Her facial features are clearer too while her complexion seems smoother.

the second version just looks brighter? :think:

Somehow, don't know y but I prefer the first shot :dunno:

Would prefer a less tight crop thou :)

just some non expert view ;)

The first shot is darker...moodier.

The second shot, in it's brighter existance, reveals more of the model's shortcomings, making the shot more unappealling.

One can't force a viewer into a close scrutiny via means of such an intimate perspective without paying attention to the undeniable flaws.

If it's going to be a 'glam' shot, you'll need a model that can carry it off...if it's going to be an 'au naturel' - let's appreciate all the flaws for flaws can be beautiful shot, then i would have chosen a plainer (non-glam) model, make-up etc...

Also, wayang eye make-up belongs exactly there: at a wayang.

Ask yourself, "what is it...beyond technicalities...that you wanted to communicate?"

No offence, but the truth has been know to offend...I can't begin to imagine what the poor model must be feling if she is privy to these discussions.

Sorry for the harshness...look beyond the emotions me8.

Hi all

Thks for all the constructive comments & feedback... will bear them in mind, and hopefully the next time i shoot, I won't be making the same mistakes. :sweat:

Will keep trying! :)

Feinwerkbau: Dun worry. Would rather u be harsh on ur comments & ur critiques. That's where learning comes about cos' i know there're things that i didn't do right here... so no worries...

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