Multiple exposures with DSLR

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Senior Member
May 7, 2004
I realised now that I plan to use the feature that it is not present on my 1DmkII. @%£&@£^... Is it just the MKII or are all DSLRs like that? A limitation of digital sensors perhaps?

Now im going to have to load a roll of film to compensate for this handicap :(

Or does someone know how to do multiple exposures with the MKII? Something i missed while checking the manual?


Er...haha...AFAIK there's no such feature in the 1DMkII.
But there's something known as Photoshop instead.

Is it just the MKII or all DSLRs?

I would rather not PS, trying to avoid that as far as possible.

It's ok, luckily i retained my film body.

FWIK, most of the multiple exposure effect, using photoshop in postproduction will be more reliable, cheaper and easier.

hehe my coolpix has it but it isnt dslr. i tink the S2 Pro oso has it... :think:

reno77 said:
PS is not wrong. If Ansel Adams was around today he'd be using PS too. :)

Yah... theres nothing wrong using Photoshop.

Many many many many great photographers today use Photoshop, unless your straight-from-camera-shots can compare to their standard, then you may refrain yourself from using PS... If you can improve your photo in Photoshop, and you know how to... then why not..?

have fun photoshopping! :thumbsup:

yep, but i don't own a d2x, and neither am I about to buy one or switch system for one shoot. PS sounds gd at this point.

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