Mobile Photo booth on 8 June 2014

Well said..

I believe in letting market forces set the price. If photographers as a whole are not going to accept jobs at cheap rates, then clients would sooner change their impression of us CSers.

However clients who ask for rock bottom rates would have to accept the risk of getting unsatisfactory work. That is a risk that they have to take when opening up such jobs. Would I want to jeopardize an event which I am organising or in-charge of by cheaping out on photography if it is that important that I have to hire someone? Probably not. If I get top quality for rock bottom rates then good for me :) but I'm not taking that risk. My momma always told me 一分钱,一分货。

I say let nature take its course and let the cheapos go with the cheapos. The market will sort itself out in the long run.

Sounded like the men in white comments on the property market issues.....