
Winnie Teng

New Member
Sep 14, 2010

1. in what area is critique to be sought?

All Critique are welcome. I'm a Newbie and hope to learn more from our professional member

2. what one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?

As a newbie, I hope to improve my skill through the guide from clubsnap member.

3. under what circumstance is the picture taken? (physical conditions/emotions)

on my holiday to Cambodia, where they are a peace silent in the middle of the national muesum.

4. what the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture

The depth is not there.

photo?? We can't see any.


Sorry! this is my first time posting picture on club Snap.

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Dear Member, please guide me how to attach the picture if still can't see the picture

Composition wise it's ok but I think it has too much dof, picture isn't sharp enough and too much unnecessary details.