Landscape mode (Canon Powershot S40)

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What is 'Landscape' mode for? I don't quite understand. If I want to take a photo of mountain view. Which one should I use? 'Auto' or 'Landscae' mode? Landscape mode means I better not focusing any person right? just the mountain?

landscape means "deep Depth of field" , which also means the back ground and foreground are both sharp. For example, a mountian view, the sea, buildings and etc.....

portrait means "shallow depth of field" , which also means the background is blur and and foreground is sharp. For example, shooting a boy,bird, animal, a statue and etc...

lot of people thought landscape means horizontal and portrait means vertical , which is not the case.

If I want to print a person with a mountain view behind them. What mode should I use? Auto or Landscape?

Originally posted by ewn
If I want to print a person with a mountain view behind them. What mode should I use? Auto or Landscape?

if you want the person and mountain to be sharp, it will be landscape.

landscape : bigger F number,smaller lens opening=sharp background and foreground

portrait : smaller F number, bigger lens opening=blur background and sharp foreground.

ninelives: from what you're explained. 'Auto' mode isn't good, right? Because in 'Landscape' mode, the flash always set as 'On'. Not like 'Auto', the flash is on 'Red Eyes Reduction'
Sometimes I think 'Auto' mode is better than 'Landscape' mode

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