How to add a fresh meaning to your profession?

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Here are some very basic advice I give to people I coach:

1. Go the extra mile for a customer/boss. Do this with a passion and put aside any thoughts about any salary increment you will receive. This will usually follow naturally.

2. Display leadership skills that are required in the next career level you desire. Do this to embed those skills as habits, rather than to show off. (A great resouce of leadership skills is "Leadership Architect" by Korn & Ferry)

3. Dress yourself up to the next level of your career you aspire, e.g. if the next level requires you to wear smartly pressed shirts and pants, do it now (unless of course your current role for some reason prevents that). How people perceive you to be able to perform at the next level is reality for them- yes, how you dress and behave matters.

4. Don't be hemmed in by your job description. Take the opportunity to work on projects that requires you to pick up a new skill. Don't just accept it when people around you say you are not capable of picking up a new skill. Self-belief is half the battle won- the rest is hard work.

5. Build good relationships at work. Mentor others unselfishly. Take satisfaction in how you help others grow. Great networks built now will reward you later in life.

6. If you hate your profession now, ask yourself why. Look beyond the profession, i.e. look at what your personal goals are and how the current profession will lead towards achieving them.

That is brilliant indeed!

Let us all join you in sharing these ingredients for everyone to benefit.

I would like to add two more to the list.

7. Let your spoksen words to any audience always with grace.

8. Knowing that the best part of freshness is that which no picture can express.

There was something there in the very first cell from
your mother's womb that identity that Oneness that
knows and does all things including freshness in
your thoughts and actions.

"Ye have the poor with you always" ..."In the World ye
shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer.
I have overcome the world".

For within him was greater than that which was in the
world of conditons and symptoms.

Appearances are always misleading. We are never
confronted with problems or situations that we are not
capable of answering and meeting. ;):)

So have to give up photography and take up gardening? :)

Do you know that man's greatest problem is knowing
how to find himself. For problems arise when we get
separated from ourselves.

Start by turning away from the negative, violent, rudeness,
destructive outer appearances, instead turn toward inner
wisdom and realization of the higher self.

Somehow many of you will not be able to find the real
problem is a false belief. In truth, your outer expression,
both written and vocal is the symptom. ;);)

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