How good is the GF1?

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Price range within 1.5 - 1.6k for twin lens kit. How much in BKK?

I'm at the Panasonic event in Bangkok right now doing some work with them. They have the GF1 displayed to try... Looks and feels real good. Will get one for myself when I return back to Singapore. Its expensive here. Do you know how much it cost in Singapore? With the 20mm lens.. and also the 14-140mm?

GF1+20mm around 1330
So far I havnt seen any GF1+14-140 bundle

14-140mm lens is coming soon from what i hear from a shop in funan.. orders are being accepted now.. but its like 1.3k at least...

It's at least cheaper than those selling at 1.4-1.5k at B&S section.

14-140mm lens is coming soon from what i hear from a shop in funan.. orders are being accepted now.. but its like 1.3k at least...

CP has this lens. Tested it out last Sat. Kinda heavy with the GF1 and handling is not that balanced. Feels better with the GH1 attached rather than the GF1.

For $1356, I think it is not worth the price considering the small aperture size. Even though it has a HD designation for the video, turning the zoom ring isn't a smooth affair and the videos end up being jerky when you zoom in and out.

When I compared the 14-45 and 14-140 side by side, the size of the 62mm diameter on the 14-140 is very apparent.....

I spoke to the Panasonic guys here (the whole panasonic people are here inclusive of the japs). They told me that the adoptor will be out soon. The adaptor will allow people like me who are on the EOS to use our lenses on their body. By the way, the event I'm at is concetrated on P2 camera for film. Me working with Autodesk, and we are at their show to display our editing systems.. co sponsoring their event, thus they are nice with giving me these info. Any more info you guys want me to ask?

Noob Question: Hi guys a little outta touch with technology, this 4/3 systems when u say 20mm or 14-140 does this 4/3 systems have any crop factor or does it work like a FF cam ?

Noob Question: Hi guys a little outta touch with technology, this 4/3 systems when u say 20mm or 14-140 does this 4/3 systems have any crop factor or does it work like a FF cam ?

20mm -> 40mm equivalent
14-140mm -> 28-280mm equivalent

2x crop factor. :)

I am not sure if any bros here can advise if 14-140 performs much better than 14-45/45-200 combo? As the price diff is quite large...

I am not sure if any bros here can advise if 14-140 performs much better than 14-45/45-200 combo? As the price diff is quite large...

AFAIK, the 14 - 400mm is bundled with the GH1 cos it allows for autofocus during video shooting.

14 - 45mm and 45 - 200mm do not allow for autofocus during video shooting.

maybe that is the reason y 14 - 200mm is priced much steeper.

AFAIK, the 14 - 400mm is bundled with the GH1 cos it allows for autofocus during video shooting.

14 - 45mm and 45 - 200mm do not allow for autofocus during video shooting.

maybe that is the reason y 14 - 200mm is priced much steeper.

My 20mm and 14-45 does autofocus during video. In fact 14-45 focus faster and quieter than the 20mm.

Though I heard 14-140 focus even faster and even more silent....but then dunno whether the optical performance can jusfify the 3 times price tag.

I am trying to see if I should get the 45-200 or 14-140 for videoing my son's upcoming school onstage performance...

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how much is the 45-200 ?? we know that the 45-140 is like $1.3k ... so if 45-200 cheaper.. why not?

how much is the 45-200 ?? we know that the 45-140 is like $1.3k ... so if 45-200 cheaper.. why not?

New 45-200mm probably cost something like $550-600 while used is about $400-450. So kinda steep if compared to 1.3k of 14-140mm....:sweat:

Unless of course if any brothers here has used the 14-140 and confirm it's really that great!

Oly EP2 pics are out and i am not impressed.
Probably GF1 is a better option

My 20mm and 14-45 does autofocus during video. In fact 14-45 focus faster and quieter than the 20mm.

Though I heard 14-140 focus even faster and even more silent....but then dunno whether the optical performance can jusfify the 3 times price tag.

I am trying to see if I should get the 45-200 or 14-140 for videoing my son's upcoming school onstage performance...

oh, ok. din noe tat. thanks for the clarification.

but still, 1.3 - 1.4k for the 14 - 200mm is steep, considering a brand new 45 - 200mm is ard 500+.

rather spend that 1.3 - 1.4k on a 45 - 200mm, a pancake and a flash.

I spoke to the Panasonic guys here (the whole panasonic people are here inclusive of the japs). They told me that the adoptor will be out soon. The adaptor will allow people like me who are on the EOS to use our lenses on their body. By the way, the event I'm at is concetrated on P2 camera for film. Me working with Autodesk, and we are at their show to display our editing systems.. co sponsoring their event, thus they are nice with giving me these info. Any more info you guys want me to ask?

Hi .. my wife is in Bkk now. On her shopping list is Panasonic m4/3 7-14mm wide zoom lens. ANy suggestion where to find it and how much it cost? In Singapore it is out of stock and cost about $1,100.

Hi .. my wife is in Bkk now. On her shopping list is Panasonic m4/3 7-14mm wide zoom lens. ANy suggestion where to find it and how much it cost? In Singapore it is out of stock and cost about $1,100.

It's abt S$1.5k or abt US$1.1k.

Fwah long time no see bro, 2X is kinda ShinGzz . . .

I tot FF 20mm f1.7 <---- this would get me on board!!!

20mm -> 40mm equivalent
14-140mm -> 28-280mm equivalent

2x crop factor. :)

Just brought my GF1 and 20mm to my niece's 2nd BD celebration today and it was great!

Nice and handy which don't look too pro to be mistaken as the event photographer...but a serious casual shooter...

Quality of photos has wowed the crowd of their PNS while DSLR users were smitten by the small size of the camera, esp so by the 20mm gem.

Pictures turned out very well taken indoors as I managed to take many shots at F2.0 and ISO640 with shutter speed of around 1/40s, well enough for shake-free handheld shots. Even at group photos, F4 is more than enough with the built-in flash comes in VERY handy for fill-flash.

The best part is when everyone is busying firing their bursting shots away during the birthday song singing and candles blowing, I was the only one taking good quality video discretely and again wowed the crowd when they viewed the video taken...

All in all, most people commented it's a good cam with good quality and nice retro look...

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