How does fresh graduate gets a job?

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Try a local bank (guess la.. ).. every tom dick harry (especially if they are pretty, or handicapped) they also want. As long as cheap can already.. to replace those suntanning (ugly, full limbs people) in the office. They want "Pretty" becos can improve image. They want "Handicapped" because this also can improve their image. Those ugly uncles and aunties sure must go....

But to get those high pay jobs, you have to be white skinned and hold a foreign passport, or speak with a foreign accent and studied in a foreign Uni. Girls also can. Guy who served NS may be considered (aka less priority).

I'm new to the job market and I've been flipping the papers for the last 2 weeks. Seems that all jobs posted on the recruitment pages are asking for experiences :cry: ... Any idea where to start for a freshie?

BTW, what are the big IT/IS consultancy firms in Singapore?

Thank you.
just send your resume anyway.. That's what i did and got my job. But don't try your luck with the senior positions..

Admittedly, my undergrads scores were not that great. I was too young and playful to know any better, but I think I recovered from that and subsequently top my Masters class (all HDs with 1 distinction), won a prize and scholarship for my PhD. Did some publications as well during my PhD... Since my programming skills are a bit outdated, I'm trying for consultancy instead, which is closer to my latest studies.

Accenture didn't ask for my scores though, maybe they have some advance screening technologies! Oh well, I'll keep looking...

Again, thank you all for the tips and tricks :)

You got a PhD, your career options may be limited due to your specialisation in whatever you are studying.

There are few companies that will take on fresh post-graduates. Try a research position if possible. I think you may fare better.

Of course, personality and appearance plays a part as well! Good luck!

i'm working at accenture (not consultant, analyst only)
i dont think they have very high criteria as you said
maybe that's because u apply for consultant position which require experience rather than phD

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