HOKKAIDO [A Travelogue] - limwhow & SereneXMM

The Old Public Hall of the Hakodate Ward 旧涵馆区公会堂

Here was the plate right at the entrance to this old building.


Looking a little lonely up here on its own slice of land, I was sure the Old Public Hall had seen better days.
Unfortunately, I knew not enough history of the Hakodate of old to fully appreciate the significance of this lovely architecture in blue.
Otherwise I would have understood where it stood better, and also would have been able to recall stories of its days of Glory.


Similarly, this tree must have seen its own share of better (or who knows, even worse days of turmoil?) days and weather...


The only reason why yours truly wasn't in the picture was that the one single picture where I was within, was taken by the old General and that picture really could not make it. Haha...
So I had to sacrifice myself and use this group photo instead...
But also, I took this opportunity to expound the importance of good, water-proof outer shell, as it could be clearly seen that by now,
the Grandfather's outer layer was all soaked through.
Poor old Grandfather.
Luckily his middle layer and base layer held fast.


Seeing another group of Singaporeans...

It was very interesting.
Because it was over here at Hakodate and right up here on the hill just in front of the Old Public Hall, that we saw
a second group of Singaporeans gazing up at the blue building right in front of us.
(The first group of Singaporean family we saw was while we were walking on our way to the Tropical Botanic Gardens.)
You can never miss a team of Singaporean.
The way we look, the way we talk, the way we wear our clothes, the air around us... it's unexplainable but it's simply true.


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Just a crazy candid shots of the children going absolutely berserk with their snow ball throwing.
The elder sister was holding too huge a snow ball for her to throw ahahaha...

(Clicking on the photo would yield a bigger one.)


Day 5 Evening: Hakodate -
Walking back to the hotel...

It was 4:14pm only.
But the sky was again threatening to shut off all its lights.
What a shame, I thought, as we were only just beginning to warm up to the historical buildings and to enjoy ourselves.
But never mind never mind... there could still be another time.

Walking down the slopes of Motoi-Saka Dori was easier.
And as this was the second night, we roughly had an idea how to walk back the slightly less than 2km distance.
Any initial intent of grabbing a tram was trashed as the children were adamant about walking back.

Here we passed by the Hakodate Literary Association 涵馆市文学馆.


... and ...


... and we saw the tram that we would have otherwise taken had we not decided to walk the full distance...
Here driving along Seibu Loop Route 西部环状线.


And of course, passing by this supermarket which we have frequented over the past two days.
It was called コプさっぽろ (Kopu Sapporo), the English name of which until now I still couldn't make out.
But really, its prices were so reasonable and its female counter staffs so polite, I would be back here in the blink of an eye
should I require any more items.


We made the last left turn up Nijikken-Zaka Dori (二十间坂通), the smaller road besides 海峡通, we were on our final home run to the hotel.


Here is the famous Hakodate Beer that I am sure many of our forum members would have seen in a different light
and a different colour in spring, summer and winter.



We walked pass the Hakodate 明治馆, as we lugged all our barang barang from our shopping (again) from Kopu Sapporo Supermarket.


To brush past the Hakodate Kokusai Hotel 涵馆国际ホテル.
The Christmas light up here was getting more brilliant.


Here as we walked, we heard from the street on the other side nearer the sea, cheers and celebration noises.
Apparently here just before Christmas, there would always be a giant Christmas tree on display right here,
at this part of Hakodate.
"Should we go and watch it? Came so far here already... want to watch it? Yes? No?" The struggle within the tour guide.
But all it took was one look at all the tired faces of the young and old, for the answer to that question to surface naturally.
It's ok. There would always be another time... if it is so fated to be.
And off we continued walking towards our hotel...


Day 5 Evening: Hakodate - Home run to the hotel...

For all the walk, the hunger, the rain, the snow and all the cold, today was another day full of eye openers for this small group of Singaporean.
This road sign basically showed where we had been.
It just seemed unbelievable that the Old Public Hall was only 1.5km away from here.
It certainly felt much further than that.
Well... perhaps when one walked in the snow, the extra burden in slowing one down really made a difference.


Arriving at the doorstep of our hotel the Toyoko Inn Hakodate...
The two ladies just happened to glance at the clock and they were both shocked by the time...
What?! Only 5pm! It felt like 9pm already!!!


[Translation: "Wah... despite all the shopping packets big and small, we managed to reach back to the hotel in the snow.
We should be able to eat in a while's time." remarked the Grandmother.]

At the very least, these few hungry fellows could have their dinner and supper and from the way they were eating,
one couldn't be faulted to think that they were even having their breakfast for the next day!


Another tiring day.
And another wonderful night of restful sleep.

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I'm really amazed by the amount of walking you guys did on this journey :bigeyes: :bigeyes: ..... everywhere also walk .... my family would have boycotted...haha....

To all my beloved friends of photography out there.
I must make a confession.
All the while as I was planning the trip, I have wanted to visit these old historical buildings and to see what they had inside.
But when on the ground and under intense fire, sometimes the well-intentioned plan goes askew.
Exactly like what happened here.
I only saw the museum from outside.
And as the old Mrs General was KB KB-ing cold lah, dark alreay lah, snowing lah... what-not-lah, the initial assault plan was abandoned.
Maybe there would be a next time for me... maybe...
But for all of you who would be going there in the future, please do give its interior a visit, for my sake for my sake... haha!

Me! Me! I went in! When I was there, you can have tea in a small cafe overlooking the bay. At least, I think it is this building :dunno:

nice series, hope to see more of your photos.

I'm really amazed by the amount of walking you guys did on this journey :bigeyes: :bigeyes: ..... everywhere also walk .... my family would have boycotted...haha....

My family too including myself. :sweat:
Seriously, kudos to limwhow and his family. :thumbsup:

Really enjoyed this travelogue a lot.
Besides the beautiful pictures and fun narration, I can also feel the close relationship in the family.
The environment may be snowing and looked cold, but after reading, simply can feel the warmth.
It's a thread that makes us all smile with envy :)
Thanks for sharing with us.

Definitely suscribing to this thread! Looking forward to more narrations and pictures! I'm curious, are your children into photography as well? Looking at how poisoned you both are. :bsmilie:

Hi Wee How, i like e way u write.. Very interesting n detailed.. I got so engrossed tat I read thru 11 pages in 1 shot! :thumbsup::thumbsup: almost like i was thr too!
Thk U n Serene for sharing e pix n experience with us here... :lovegrin:

Thank you for sharing your travel diary to Hokkaido, really enjoyed reading it!

Hi limwhow

Glad to read u had a gr8 time... I was the one who wrote to u abt those Chinese tour books...hehe...

In the end, I went with a CTC 9D8N pkg tour (my girl v small to go F&E in a snow country lah). It was also our first time in a snow filled Hokkaido. Now that we gone thru it, I will be able to go F&E next time. I also took the opportunity from the tour to sign up at Toyoko Inn. We wore non slippery protection throughout so we were ok...and yes, the roads in Hokkaido too slippery to even try balancing act...(esp in Hakodate).

If u are ever planning another trip again, I strongly recommend another parts of Hokkaido which I went. With your experienced photographic skills, yr shots will do justice to the sights of the wilderness. Go to Kushiro and see the majestic cranes in the wilderness. Lake Mashu 魔周湖 and Lake Akan 阿寒湖 are some of the most beautiful lakes I have ever seen...at one of the hotels, I even spotted wild golden fox coming down the mountain and seated outside my window!

I also went snow mobile like your family did in Furano & Biel 四季彩之丘. It is really beautiful along the way...probably the most beautiful sights to behold (the magnificient 十胜岳 as the backdrop).

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I'm really amazed by the amount of walking you guys did on this journey ..... everywhere also walk .... my family would have boycotted...haha....

Haha... terrible, wasn't it?!

Me! Me! I went in! When I was there, you can have tea in a small cafe overlooking the bay. At least, I think it is this building :dunno:
acpical yah, acpical! If any one were to go into the museum of the Photography History, I trust it could only have been you!
At least now I aga aga know what's inside.
Thanks to you!

nice series, hope to see more of your photos.

jamestan75, thank you very much for your urging us on!
We will continue to try our best.

My family too including myself. :sweat:
Seriously, kudos to limwhow and his family. :thumbsup:
AlexK yah, AlexK! Don't like that lah... you were walking way way waaaayyyy ahead of us when we were in Jiuzhaigou!
How could you possibly sweat?!
No lah. You are the man, man!

Really enjoyed this travelogue a lot.
Besides the beautiful pictures and fun narration, I can also feel the close relationship in the family.
The environment may be snowing and looked cold, but after reading, simply can feel the warmth.
It's a thread that makes us all smile with envy :)
Thanks for sharing with us.
Wow, the way you describe really infused me with a whole lot of warmth, muzikbug!
I thank you from the depth of my heart for your endorsement!

Definitely suscribing to this thread! Looking forward to more narrations and pictures! I'm curious, are your children into photography as well? Looking at how poisoned you both are.
And a big thank you to you too, delinquent!
Well, only the youngest one she is into a little bit of photography.
The others... well, so so lah...

Hi Wee How, i like e way u write.. Very interesting n detailed.. I got so engrossed tat I read thru 11 pages in 1 shot! :thumbsup: almost like i was thr too!
Thk U n Serene for sharing e pix n experience with us here...

Aiyoh, badtzdiana yah, badtzdiana!
Wow, really thank you for coming by too.
I think it is much easier writing a travelogue for a small family on a small trip like this for we are always together...
... every moment of the trip, except when we are in the toilet...
Thus we all share the same experience and the same suffering, hahaha..!

Thank you for sharing your travel diary to Hokkaido, really enjoyed reading it!
Thank you for coming onto our thread and for your kind words, dejavu!
It's really a small family trip, certainly not as spectacular as many of our other members who have gone for more elaborate holidays in Hokkaido.
Thus I am a little shy about our trip as we did not travel to half as many places!

Hi limwhow

Glad to read u had a gr8 time... I was the one who wrote to u abt those Chinese tour books...hehe...

In the end, I went with a CTC 9D8N pkg tour (my girl v small to go F&E in a snow country lah). It was also our first time in a snow filled Hokkaido. Now that we gone thru it, I will be able to go F&E next time. I also took the opportunity from the tour to sign up at Toyoko Inn. We wore non slippery protection throughout so we were ok...and yes, the roads in Hokkaido too slippery to even try balancing act...(esp in Hakodate).

If u are ever planning another trip again, I strongly recommend another parts of Hokkaido which I went. With your experienced photographic skills, yr shots will do justice to the sights of the wilderness. Go to Kushiro and see the majestic cranes in the wilderness. Lake Mashu 魔周湖 and Lake Akan 阿寒湖 are some of the most beautiful lakes I have ever seen...at one of the hotels, I even spotted wild golden fox coming down the mountain and seated outside my window!

I also went snow mobile like your family did in Furano & Biel 四季彩之丘. It is really beautiful along the way...probably the most beautiful sights to behold (the magnificient 十胜岳 as the backdrop).

And of course, BaguaPhoto!
You were one of the most helpful member in CS who had a hand in my planning of the trip by introducing me some of the Guide books in Popular Bookstore.
And I am so amazed by your listing of places in Hokkaido that I haven't visited yet.
Looks like if we were to stubbornly keep to our walking strategy, we will need many more visits to ever complete even some of your recommendations!
Thank you thank you so much for coming by our thread!


While waiting for our Snowmobile transport, our youngest daughter did it again...
A Singaporean-made Japanese-Snow-man...


Yay! :D I love Snowmans! Especially Singaporean-made ones..... My favorite snowman in the WHOLE trip.

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