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To Keito, ziploc, Red Dawn;

?tHis iS a v3ry iNt3r3sTin9 Qu3stion, i'M mys3lf alSo nOt sUr3 aBout iT. JuSt hApp3ned tHat th3 wOrd "Linn3r" just cAm3 oUt of my mouth while my mind is fLood3d with bLu3 coLouR sTuffs. hop3 this is a satisfi3d aNsw3r. :)

s0 how's things going for u all guys

Originally posted by BLu3Linn3r
To Keito, ziploc, Red Dawn;

?tHis iS a v3ry iNt3r3sTin9 Qu3stion, i'M mys3lf alSo nOt sUr3 aBout iT. JuSt hApp3ned tHat th3 wOrd "Linn3r" just cAm3 oUt of my mouth while my mind is fLood3d with bLu3 coLouR sTuffs. hop3 this is a satisfi3d aNsw3r. :)

s0 how's things going for u all guys

ow my eyes n head hurt... ;p

Originally posted by BLu3Linn3r
To Keito, ziploc, Red Dawn;

?tHis iS a v3ry iNt3r3sTin9 Qu3stion, i'M mys3lf alSo nOt sUr3 aBout iT. JuSt hApp3ned tHat th3 wOrd "Linn3r" just cAm3 oUt of my mouth while my mind is fLood3d with bLu3 coLouR sTuffs. hop3 this is a satisfi3d aNsw3r. :)

s0 how's things going for u all guys


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