Help: Termite exterminator


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2006
Need some help with some bugs - anyone know a reliable and thorough termite exterminator and can give good check ups on a regular basis in the YCK area?


If u stay in a condo, ask your condo management for their regular pest control company - it may be a bit more expensive, but at least you know that they can get the job done otherwise your condo wont be using them.

Thanks bro, its landed... cheers

Can call;

Peter from Pestbusters 98563283
Henry Pest 65339385
Frederick from Pestman 96927511

Gd Luck;)

Bungalow - no problem, just do a thorough treatment and you're safe for the next 30years or so. That might entails drilling some holes thru your marble/granite/tile floor to inject chemical into the soil.

Landed - semiD or terrace - got to discuss and work with your neighbour. Otherwise, the pest might be thriving and proliferating under your next door house and crawl over.