Help! I am stuck!

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Staff member
Jan 19, 2002

Took this shot today. It looks comical to me like those cartoon shows: a bird bumping into a pole and got its beak stuck there.

Nice! :thumbsup:

All my humming birds failed due to preflash lag... I think after exams I'll get the friends of Bird Park and camp at the humming bird aviary...

Those who ever tried know how difficult to shoot humingbird. I like this one. BTW, what's yr setting?

shuttle only usa got. shutter speed..300-400??
aperture ...hmm f3? f4?
im guessing.

Multiflash setup, high shutter speeds. Will solve wing blurring problems.

Originally posted by Flare
I guess its around 1/250.. hee hee... rty? tell ley tell ley...

Sorry guys, I was busy and forgot to visit this forum for many days.

The picture was taken handheld at F14 1/160 with Canon 550EX Flash on.

Originally posted by siron
if you use a faster might catch the wings in focus..that'll be nice

In flash shots, using higher shutter (not shuttle ;p) speeds is not important. The flash's very short duration will effective freeze motion. And the hummingbird's wings move so fast, I think even 1/4000s cannot freeze it properly.


Originally posted by ckiang

In flash shots, using higher shutter (not shuttle ;p) speeds is not important. The flash's very short duration will effective freeze motion. And the hummingbird's wings move so fast, I think even 1/4000s cannot freeze it properly.


Really? Cool..thanks for telling me...

Originally posted by eadwine
shuttle only usa got.

From now on, anyone caught saying "Shuttle" for "Shutter" will be reported to the Language Police. The penalty: confiscation of your camera!

Shutter (n)
A mechanical device of a camera that controls the duration of a photographic exposure, as by opening and closing to allow light coming through the lens to expose a plate or film.

Shut·tle (n)
A device used in weaving to carry the woof thread back and forth between the warp threads.
A device for holding the thread in tatting and netting and in a sewing machine.

Regular travel back and forth over an established, often short route by a vehicle.
A vehicle used in such travel: took the shuttle across town.
A route used by a vehicle in such travel: the Washington-New York air shuttle.
Travel between disputing parties by a diplomatic intermediary.

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