Haunted House

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New Member
Jun 1, 2005
Hey All,

Dunno if anyone is interested, but I just got back from Sentosa and "discovered" a really old bungalow in a state of ruin... too bad I didn't get many (or arguably any) nice photos to show, but I've loaded a few here


I think this is a great place to take photos, and if anyone dares, there is a room full (and I mean FULL) of bats.

Problems are:
1) the place looks like it's falling apart
2) the smell of guano - BAT S**T stinks! Big Time!
3) dun go with your wife... unless you dun mind her screaming every 5 secs (sorry dear)


It's located behind the Spa (Spa Botanica I think it's called...) and you need to make it beyond the lower level bungalows... also there was a single slipper on the floor that freaked us out to no end! :eek:

I went to the house sometime back in Apr 2005 before but didn't go inside to explore. Just walked around the house to look at it. Were the bats irritating you in anyway? How many hours did you spend exploring the house?

ortega said:
macro the bats!

Wah I'm not so brave man... the room was completely dark (as you would expect with bats) and it stunk like HELL (Lazyfiddler: they didn't irritate me coz' I kept my distance man)...

I just did a point and shoot with the flash on... took like 6 shots and ran the hell out of there... I spent a grand total of 20 mins there before my friends threatened to abandon me and my wife threatened divorce...;p

sejok said:
Wah I'm not so brave man... the room was completely dark (as you would expect with bats) and it stunk like HELL (Lazyfiddler: they didn't irritate me coz' I kept my distance man)...

I just did a point and shoot with the flash on... took like 6 shots and ran the hell out of there... I spent a grand total of 20 mins there before my friends threatened to abandon me and my wife threatened divorce...;p

Hi Sejok

Thanks for the information. Will visit the place soon to photograph the house!

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