General thread for U21 members!

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actually, on the contrary, from my sources, poly clubs have rather poor funding as they get it from their members or profits, if any. JC clubs on the other hand get money from the sch and profits..then again, it depends on the sch...besides, funding have nth to do with going overseas int he first place...members had to fork out 100% of the cost of the trip nei... the sch didn't come out a single cent lorr.. haha

true.. i guess it all depends on the members too.. if enthu = sure got such opportunities.
if the members are not so enthu.. they wont want to make time and money for overseas trip one la..

damn... this forum is really screwy on my posts always doesn't show up, so i end up resending it.. den i give up and all of them appears the next day... sheesh...

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