gauging response for Canon EF Lens Book ver 4

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Staff member
Dec 18, 2003
really MORE diaper changes
pls refer to this thread in Canon.

apparantly there are some people who are interested in the latest version of this book. its available from Canon showroom at Keppel Bay Tower from mon (26/7) - according to their customer care officer. the cost is $20.

if there are at least 5 people interested in the book, i'll try to start an MO. the rules are such -

(a) i can only handle mebbe 10-15 books. the books are damn heavy and big.

(b) interested CSers have to transfer $$$ to my POSB account when the MO starts. this is to prevent people from ordering then running away. i'm going to have a hard time explaining to Canon why i reserved so many books, then not fulfilling the order.

(c) collection will most probably on 1 weekday evening. i'm currently on a long-term course from now till late sept. so, won't have the time to make multiple trips to meet buyers.

pls start indicating ur names here? i'll let this thread run till sat evening, 2100H to see if i shall go ahead. pls also leave ur hp numbers on the thread (if u want) or PM me ur hp contacts? thanks!


1) madmacs
2) newman

1) madmacs
2) newman
3) caseytan

Nightwolf75, doesn't Canon give any discount for MOs? The MOs for the previous book had 20% off. :dunno:

Newman said:
Nightwolf75, doesn't Canon give any discount for MOs? The MOs for the previous book had 20% off. :dunno:

one CSer PMed me, saying that if we can get big enuf an order, they might reduced the price. he organised a similar MO 1-2 yrs back.

anyway, this is just to gauge a response. if no good, i'll not start an MO.

Just to let everyone that the book is still call "EF LENS WORKS III".
But its the 4th edition and published on FEB 2004 with a few lens added in.

1) madmacs
2) newman
3) bobo
4) release

okie! as of 0905H, we've hit the magic figure of 5 persons.

i'll be closing the thread today, 2100H. if u wish to add ur names in, pls continue to do so. but, remember, indicating ur names here means u're SERIOUS of buying when i start the MO. i'll PM u all individually when the time comes.

btw, if the MO starts, it will end by MON (26/7) at 2100H. this is becos i'll place an order with Canon and collect on Tue (27/7) or Wed (28/7) afternoon (whichever is available for them to consolidate our orders). i'll be meeting all buyers on wed (28/7) at SEED. pls refer to the SEED thread for the timings. i'll be there by 5.30pm. will try to stay for 1 - 1.5hrs, or till i finish delivering the books, whichever comes first. so, the collection timing is confirmed. pls be available for collection? i really can't make it on other days becos of my course.

cheers! :D

Can someone tell me what is the difference between the ver 3 and ver 4?

Other than the display/write-ups on the two new lenses that Canon just released.

Think they will include 300D and the kit len :think:

agape01 said:
Can someone tell me what is the difference between the ver 3 and ver 4?

Other than the display/write-ups on the two new lenses that Canon just released.
i cant compare as I dont have the 3rd edition

quick update: i just contacted canon showroom at funan. they said best call keppel showroom on mon to confirm. looks like they have no idea that ver4 will be launched next mon too.... :think:

so, to be fair, i'll only start the MO once i confirmed that there is stock and also the price. however, for those interested, pls add in ur names. thanks! ;)

thread closed. will contact the persons who indicated their interest in this thread once i get confirmation from Canon.

cheers! :D

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