Footover Bridge


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
this is my first shot at night. Please give feedback on:

1. the composition of the picture.
2. just wanted to capture a lonely night feeling
3. took this pic, handheld from my balcony
4. Since this is my first night photography shot, need to understand from you on points to improve.

Thank you,


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There are plenty of distracting elements in the image. If the focus was on the bridge, then perhaps you could consider cropping out the bus stop and tree. Considering this is taken handheld, it is impressive that the bridge came out really in focus.

Sorry but this just looks like a simple snapshot from outside the window.
There's no real composition or clear focus in the picture.
The only thing that captures a 'lonely night feeling' is the lone man in the bus stop, but the focus isn't really on him.

I think to capture successful night shots, you've gotta get out of your balcony and walk around to really look for interesting and mood-conveying subjects.

Try it, then post again for us to seee. I'm sure you can do better.