First gay protest at Speakers' Corner?You going?

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Well said. :thumbsup:

People often say they can accept gay. But when it turns out to be their sons, then it's often a different story.

i neither condone nor condemn homosexuals. Their life, their decision. It doesn't derail my life, or offend my sensibilities.

back to the topic, i wouldn't go there to shoot, because if i don't think there will be too much emotion on display. But as a matter of curiousity (and because i am too lazy to google), is the protest over already? don't recall seeing any coverage of it in the papers after the announcement that it was going to be held.

The other day a man protested in Speakers' Corner that his new camera came attached with a bra. It was a case of gender discrimination. :)


I think your neighbors have a lot of missing undergarments. You better return them soon.

Gay is happy. A sad one is bogay.

sometime ago there is a 377A project going on which ask law to legal gay( something like that)

I remember and I signed online too...

Some gay mindset is into beauty, that make them a good designer. some have difference view in seeing and expressing their thots, that make them very creative and many find opposite sex very nuisance, that y they remain as gay.

I may not be there but they definitely have my moral support.

you may not agree with me but that is my own personal view on them.

"No Teeth" in Hokkien?

i'm quite sure someone told me it had something to do with being unhappy because one had no nice creamy backgrounds..

it still puzzles me.. just buy creamy white wallpaper and carry around luh! :bsmilie:

If they're homosexual, its fine with me. In life what's most important is to pursue your on happiness. It's your choice, why should one bother with what other people think?

Why not one day someone suddenly tells u u can't date girls (if you're a guy), what would you feel?

once again, we're not talking about the sexual orientation of stranger, friend, son or daughter.

we are talking about an event.

altho this is kopitiam and things always go OT, but i will be monitoring this particular one.


EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! going or not? if this deviates, it will be closed.

I'm gay:) heheh!;)

EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! going or not? if this deviates, it will be closed.

it seems to be more deviant than not.. :)

if not even a light smack on the wrist is given (e.g. guideline reminders, 0 infraction points).. then why have rules in the first place, when people get conditioned to learn that they can push them over and over again? :bsmilie:

it seems to be more deviant than not.. :)

if not even a light smack on the wrist is given (e.g. guideline reminders, 0 infraction points).. then why have rules in the first place, when people get conditioned to learn that they can push them over and over again? :bsmilie:

there has been infractions given to users on this thread already. that we don't have to report to you rite? :)

so, you going?

there has been infractions given to users on this thread already. that we don't have to report to you rite? :)

so, you going?

wa.. usually when given people kbkb.. :bsmilie:

i think i'll pass, it's a wee bit far from where i am right now ;p

how about you, you going ? :D

I though that this thread is about who's interested to go and what you'll be doing there?

When is the event anyway?

Ok, I'm confused, is the event:

1. A Happy Protest
2. A Demonstration Against Homosexuality
3. An Argument for Homosexual Rights?

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