Finding Photographic Sites

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Hi to all

I would suggest that there is a need for different sites such as this great one to be notified around. It is hard ot find these when just surfing as there are many to find at times.
It was thanks to someone one one of the groups that I am on, that they posted this one and suggested it.
Perhaps the word gets put out where ever.
What do others think?
These sites seem to be there for the purpose of helping others, so the more that now the more help that can be given. There is a great field and depth of knowlege there for us to tap into.
Thanks to all who post this info, it is a great help.

Thanks for your comments - we have notified the search engines (Excite, Yahoo, Google, etc.) of our site, but obviously nothing does better than getting the word around the rest of the forums.

Unfortunately (or maybe because we havent started looking yet) there are no "web-rings" of related General Photography sites like ClubSNAP.

In any case, we are only 2+ months old (doesn't look it by the number of posts here ;) ), so any and all "advertising" you can do for us helps - ie. putting ClubSNAP into your sig for other forums.

Hope you have a great time at ClubSNAP.

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