EXIF Image Viewer

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Senior Member
Apr 19, 2002
Has anyone here used EXIF Image Viewer before?


When I use this software to view images taken with a Fujifilm 601z, the colours are excellent, but when I open the same file in Photoshop, the image is much darker, and I have to play with the curves to make it look like it should.

Can anyone explain why?

Originally posted by munfai
Has anyone here used EXIF Image Viewer before?


When I use this software to view images taken with a Fujifilm 601z, the colours are excellent, but when I open the same file in Photoshop, the image is much darker, and I have to play with the curves to make it look like it should.

Can anyone explain why?

Make sure your monitor is calibrated properly, gamma is set properly, and Adobe Photoshop's colour settings are also set properly. Appears that your Photoshop is using a different colourspace from Windows default (which is probably what the EXIF viewer uses).


eh..EXIF by default turns on Gamma. I'm not sure if you have your photos exposed correctly or your photoshop setting is wrong.

The reason is that most of my G1 pictures looked fine in photoshop and they look bright in EXIF because of the gamma. If I turn off gamma, the pictures look dark. So now I'm wondering if my pictures are under-exposed :p

Juay Kwang

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