EOS 30 + film rating.

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New Member
Jan 17, 2002
I like to know from fellow EOS 30 users how they rate the following films (in terms of ISO)

Provia 100
Sensia 100

Why I ask? I found Provia 100 seems a little underexposed when I rate it at ISO 100 using EOS 30. I probably need to shoot more to see how it goes.

I just shoot at 50 with Velvia. I've heard some mixed reviews about pushing this film. Some people think its too saturated.
Don't use Provia and Sensia though.

I don't use EOS 30, but I rate my Provia 100F at 100, or 125 if I want more saturation. Haven't tried Sensia/Velvia yet. You might also want get your meter checked if it consistently underexposes.

Not sure about EOS 30, but the D30 with certain lenses tend to underexpose. Red Dawn can elaborate on this. :D


Originally posted by Shadus
I like to know from fellow EOS 30 users how they rate the following films (in terms of ISO)

Provia 100
Sensia 100

Why I ask? I found Provia 100 seems a little underexposed when I rate it at ISO 100 using EOS 30. I probably need to shoot more to see how it goes.
I dun have an EOS 30, but I'll poke my nose into this anyway..

If there's an underexposure problem with the EOS 30, its never been reported in all the forums and mailing lists that I follow. Given the length of time that the EOS 30 has been around now since its commercial availability and the lack of complains in this area, I'd hazard a guess that your EOS 30 is doing fine.

At the risk of getting flamed, I must ask you to do more tests to check your techniques of obtaining proper exposure readings. Take "safe" scenes where you know you can't get the exposure reading wrong unless your camera is really fouled up. For example, choose a subject/scene that doesn't have significant contrast differences (some areas very bright, and others very dark - be it color or lighting) preferably under cloudy daylight conditions.

One other thing to do would also be to perform the same tests with different lenses as some lenses do produce a color cast that is the result of the coating on the lens elements.

If after your tests, you still find a hint of underexposure, bring it to
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Explain your problem and the tests (show your results) that you have done and ask them to give it a "checkup" as they do have the equipment to check if your in-camera meter is spot-on or off. That should be more effective than any second guessing. ;)

rest assured that Provia 100F is dead on at ISO 100. So that leaves your camera.

Of course, if you want to be reassured, you can spot meter a scene (assume EOS has spotmeter) and see if a Nikon user also has the same reading. If its the same, nothing wrong with your camera. After, all Nikon Metering is nearly foolproof

:) (flameproof suit on)

Originally posted by erwinx
rest assured that Provia 100F is dead on at ISO 100. So that leaves your camera.

Of course, if you want to be reassured, you can spot meter a scene (assume EOS has spotmeter) and see if a Nikon user also has the same reading. If its the same, nothing wrong with your camera. After, all Nikon Metering is nearly foolproof

:) (flameproof suit on)

Except in backlit situations. My F100 is spot on most of the time, except in backlit situations. :( If one's kiasu, can compare with a handheld meter as well. :)


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