EM10 MKii vs GX85


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2004
Singapore, Singapore, Singapor
Considering if i should jump ship to GX85 for its 4k; DFD & Dual IS as i have only Lumix lens but @ the expense of a lousier EVF ; shorter battery life and maybe lousier hand grip; any bro here facing similar dilemma? what would be your choice to choose either?

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Considering if i should jump ship to GX85 for its 4k; DFD & Dual IS as i have only Lumix lens but @ the expense of a lousier EVF ; shorter battery life and maybe lousier hand grip; any bro here facing similar dilemma? what would be your choice to choose either?

If you don't need the stabilization in 4K video, look at the gx8. Larger body with larger handgrip. Bigger better EVF. Has DFD and dual IS. IS in video limited to 1080.

If you don't need the stabilization in 4K video, look at the gx8. Larger body with larger handgrip. Bigger better EVF. Has DFD and dual IS. IS in video limited to 1080.
actually considered GX8 but the shuttershock issue is a concern for stills which GX85 seems to minimise not to mention no flash bundled

Considering if i should jump ship to GX85 for its 4k; DFD & Dual IS as i have only Lumix lens but @ the expense of a lousier EVF ; shorter battery life and maybe lousier hand grip; any bro here facing similar dilemma? what would be your choice to choose either?

One thought is that EM10 mkii to GX85 seems a bit of a side-grade. But given the rather affordable price point, you could always pick one up, compare the two thoroughly, and sell off one eventually.

Another thought is that can wait for Photokina 2016 before making any moves. Supposedly there will be GH5 and EM1 mkii around Sept, see what they offer. Maybe if some GX85 owners get tempted to upgrade, might have chance to pick one up at a good price maybe? Haha. Another rumour, supposedly there might be an entry level MFT from Panny sometime this month? *Shrug*

Will likely get GH5 unless either the price or Pana screw-up the specs big time i have been using GH series for a few years now and have been very happy with it so far and all the glass i own are Lumix;
Currently EM10 mkii is used when i need to travel light but with the entry of GX85 it might be a better combo for me compared to Olympus becos of the lens i own and i feel there are more technical advancement being implemented on Pana body such as DFD etc which is not reserved to only their Top range camera

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I am considering the same thing too. The current promo for the GX8 is quite attractive price-wise and that EVF is absolutely gorgeous especially when u look at the GX85's EVF then the GX8 one.

The shutter-shock issue is also holding me back. Anyone knows whether it is fixed already?

If you don't need the stabilization in 4K video, look at the gx8. Larger body with larger handgrip. Bigger better EVF. Has DFD and dual IS. IS in video limited to 1080.

Will likely get GH5 unless either the price or Pana screw-up the specs big time i have been using GH series for a few years now and have been very happy with it so far and all the glass i own are Lumix;
Currently EM10 mkii is used when i need to travel light but with the entry of GX85 it might be a better combo for me compared to Olympus becos of the lens i own and i feel there are more technical advancement being implemented on Pana body such as DFD etc which is not reserved to only their Top range camera

Ah, I see, you already have a GH-series as main cam... yeah, I can imagine GX85 being a nice complement body if you're already familiar with Pana menu/system.

For me, the weight difference (compared to gh4) is really only 134g, not really significant enough for me to justify getting it as a separate travel cam. Might be good enough reason for others though.

Having tried GX85 the initial impression so far evf is definately not as gd as EM10mkii and the grip is small not really suitable for huge lens such as 100-300mm or even 14-140v2

Having tried GX85 the initial impression so far evf is definately not as gd as EM10mkii and the grip is small not really suitable for huge lens such as 100-300mm or even 14-140v2

Well, panasonic have to keep the price down to make it competitive. And the grip shallow to keep it small. Else just wait for the emii

Well, panasonic have to keep the price down to make it competitive. And the grip shallow to keep it small. Else just wait for the emii
if GX85 were to release a hand grip like EM10mkii it would be a more compelling package in terms of ergonomics for larger lens

just a thought, since you have gh. em10ii. why not just stick to these and wait out for what's coming? else sell em10ii and get GX85, both are quite close in specs, but as you mentioned you have mostly P lenses, this might be choice as well. As for grip, probably 3rd party like this, but you lose the looks of it. https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Camera-D...sr=8-2&keywords=jb+designs+gx80&tag=sco-us-20
or something classier https://www.amazon.com/Gariz-XS-CHG...1_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=R224BMV81SV9K4VDXV1Q

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just a thought, since you have gh. em10ii. why not just stick to these and wait out for what's coming? else sell em10ii and get GX85, both are quite close in specs, but as you mentioned you have mostly P lenses, this might be choice as well. As for grip, probably 3rd party like this, but you lose the looks of it. https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Camera-D...sr=8-2&keywords=jb+designs+gx80&tag=sco-us-20
or something classier https://www.amazon.com/Gariz-XS-CHG...1_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=R224BMV81SV9K4VDXV1Q
THks for sharing i was considering replacing EM10ii with GX85 initially but after testing GX85 seems abit small to handle large lens; currently my EM10ii has the hand grip attached making it better for handling large lens

BTW can the IBIS on GX85 be disabled?

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