Does Composition Matter Anymore?

Does composition matter anymore?

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I definitely have an idea of my own creations. But does that equate to KNOWING the reason? Without regurgitating what we have learned from the internet, can anyone explain why he / she or many of us find the golden rule pleasing? What are the reasons? Same goes for the lasagna example...why do we like fresh tomatoes and succulent meat? What are the reasons? Do we know every single reason for everything that we like? We definitely have reasons for our likes and dislikes. I am not too sure, though, that we possess the full knowledge of our motivation.

I can accept the POV that we are at least vague about the reasons for liking something or someone, but having a vague idea is not knowing.

Cheers :)
well, i'll give you that certain aspects of human beings are probably unexplainable.. likes and dislikes probably not though.. but there are explanations nonetheless. for example, the need to reproduce and engage in the act of reproduction. certainly anyone can live without it, but most people find it pleasure-giving without a direct reason which they can voice out. they just feel good.

the rule of thirds, you mean? all i know is that sometimes it doesn't work either.. so don't worry, it isn't due to overload of internet literature.

I definitely have an idea of my own creations. But does that equate to KNOWING the reason? Without regurgitating what we have learned from the internet, can anyone explain why he / she or many of us find the golden rule pleasing? What are the reasons? Same goes for the lasagna example...why do we like fresh tomatoes and succulent meat? What are the reasons? Do we know every single reason for everything that we like? We definitely have reasons for our likes and dislikes. I am not too sure, though, that we possess the full knowledge of our motivation.

I can accept the POV that we are at least vague about the reasons for liking something or someone, but having a vague idea is not knowing.

Cheers :)

Have you tasted stale lasagna? If you did, you'd appreciate a freshly baked one. You know that through experience.

Like I said, having a vague idea is a start. The onus is on you to take that further. However, in our instances I suspect its not about not knowing what we like or dislike. Its how we go about putting them in words over the monitor. Some are contented with a 3 word response, some go the extra mile to formulate a description in detail.

Compositional rules area about proportions and object placement to me. They were established over the time and became common guides to the designing of a composition. So my reason for using these rules is that its soothing, proportional wise. I use them to align my elements and prioritise them in my photos. I break these rules sometimes. End up with either pleasant surprises or disastrous results but do have to know them first before breaking them.

There seems to be some twisting of the whole argument. Nonetheless, all are in good spirit :)

It wasnt about stale was about why one liked that lasagna he baked and whether he knew his reasons for liking it.

For some, especially those trained in design, composition is like second nature to them. And therefore their reasons are obvious. For others, it would require experience and some thinking to achieve a certain standard of critique.

In any case, I believe our views do converge insofar as composition does matter. :)

Still only postulation on your part :)

"art is subjective...."

an overused statement said so often that it has become a convenient excuse
for bad taste, which itself has little room for subjectivity.

Why are there so many people writing essays here trying to explain their views. give me headache trying to read it properly... ;) Can summarise and think through before writing so long or not?

Why are there so many people writing essays here trying to explain their views. give me headache trying to read it properly... ;) Can summarise and think through before writing so long or not?

sorry bro.. i am naturally long-winded.. :bsmilie:

Composition matters only when one is truly ready to learn and explore in the direction of arts. If not, it doesn't really matter, or they don't bother, or they think (High-end gears)(Know how to talk + make noise about technical flaws) = Award sureWinning Photographs, which is in the case, not.

And more so, when they send in their masterpieces for competitions and they win nothing, they will start to critic the panel of judges. So obviously composition doesn't matter to such group of people.

Hahaha.... we all have to learn how to summarise all we know about the subject into 1 short paragraph of say 1-2 sentences....:bsmilie:

Haiyah, the moment we simplify, others demand a paragraph; when we explain in details, the same ppl ask for summary... anyhow, anytime sure got someone to misunderstand the misleading statements. Hehehe...

composition is definitely important as you get good shots when you take the time to compose your shots

with more & more ppl going DSLR, what i see most now are utilising the fast burst shot to machine gun during shoots instead of getting a good shot

with more & more ppl going DSLR, what i see most now are utilising the fast burst shot to machine gun during shoots instead of getting a good shot

I have come across such "machine gunners" during outings, point out an interesting subject to that person, the next moment I would be hearing an continuous click of shutter, trying to cover all possible angles. Think at the end of the outing that person easily clocked hundreds shutter counts. Could have stop for a moment to observe / think / compose before opening the shutter instead of trying to cover all possible angles. :think:

I have come across such "machine gunners" during outings, point out an interesting subject to that person, the next moment I would be hearing an continuous click of shutter, trying to cover all possible angles. Think at the end of the outing that person easily clocked hundreds shutter counts. Could have stop for a moment to observe / think / compose before opening the shutter instead of trying to cover all possible angles. :think:

i heard that there are people using fast burst mode to shoot portraits..

must be want to catch models blinking.. very sexy you know? :bsmilie: especially when got very long and sexy eyelashes these days..

actually, they should try throwing the camera up in the air while holding the shutter button down.. because fast burst mode, same framing, no chance to change composition.. my suggested way can change composition.. :)

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