Do you like to use auto-iso?


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2004
When attached with a powerful external flash, do you still use auto-ISO?

What is the min shutter speed and maximum iso sensitivity you have set for auto-ISO?

Which mode do you use auto-ISO with? PSAM?

The auto ISO behaviour with a hot shoe flash is quite different for each camera.

I have used hot shoe flash on D5100, D7000, D700 and D4.

I only shoot in M mode. Min shutter speed I use depends on the picture lens and aperture combo, typical 1/30, 1/60, 1/125 inside room or hall.

I like to use auto ISO & hot shoe flash with the D5100, D7000 & D4. Not the D700.

The D5100 and D4 auto ISO automatically switches to ISO 400 when a hot shoe flash is mounted and usually I adjust the ISO to 800, 1600 or 3200 depending on the exposure meter reading. The camera will then automatically adjust the ISO to have a zeroed reading on the exposure meter or sometimes 1/3 or 2/3 EV under when it hits the max ISO limit. I also adjust the flash compensation.

The D700 will automatically switch to ISO 200 when a hot shoe flash is mounted. With the D700, I have to manually set the ISO to have a zeroed meter reading or sometimes 1/3 or 2/3 EV under, I have to manually set the ISO for every shot to balance the back ground & the flash. The auto ISO operation of the D700 with hot shoe flash is not as flexible as the newer cameras as it doesn't adjust the ISO automatically with hot shoe flash.

I do this is because I like my shots exposure to have a balance of light from the flash on the subject and light from the room or hall back ground, although it may be a little dimmer.

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Just replying to the 'auto-iso' part, nope I don't use. I normally shoot in Av/Tv but am not in favour of having the camera deciding my ISO since it involves noise.

However, I've seen a studio photographer using auto-iso of up to 800.

When I have a hot shoe flash on, I use M only. and auto ISO is off.

Think most or some canon camera (using 5dmk3 & 7d), with flash on hotshot, the auto iso will only auto set till 400.
So if room is not that bright, will raise the iso manually.

When I'm using Canon, auto ISO without flash. Manually set ISO when there's flash since there's a cap.

When I'm using Nikon, auto ISO all the way with or without flash.

Because the Canon's implementation of Auto-ISO with flash attached will limit it ISO400, so when I have to use the flash, I will set the ISO to manual selection.

*I kinda envy when I realized that Nikon's auto-iso still works without the limit of ISO400....*

As for auto ISO, I use it almost all the time when I'm not shooting anything on tripod.