disappointing print quality

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Yes, she is right. This is common issue for printing. When you view your photos from monitor, the light comes out from the monitor and enter your eyes. Usually the photo appears bright and clear. However if you view your printed photos, the light from ambient reflect from the print and enter your eyes. You will see your print is slightly underexposed. That is why the images need to adjust slightly brighter for printing. Same application to painting the wall.

thanks for explaining ;)

i'm generally happy with the print colours except for a handful where it appears overexposed. some pics are deliberately overexposed to produce that dreamy, surreal feel, right?
but for that small handful of pics, the red (from strawberries) looks a hideous mouldy pink, the yellow (from an egg yolk) looks a pale vomit colour. and my human subjects look a pale yellow and lack that rosy hue i desire.

well, i dun think i can pick out a few and ask them not to tweak those. so i guess i'll save up for a monitor calibrator as recommended. should be a good investment for the long run. :)

i only print at K.T good result always!!:thumbsup:

da vinci photo was nice enough to reprint all the affected photos in 4R size.

i was at the shop and saw that they're using "noritsu" for photo printing.
i was also told that color tweaking is done manually, so it'd depend on the judgement of the person doing it.

so far, it's all thumbs up for KT?
i'd want some tweaking done for my photos but they should still look natural.
and how long do i have to wait for the photos?

also, what's the best size i should shoot in?
or shoot in the biggest possible size my camera can go and then do manual cropping of my own?

always shoot at the biggest image size if possible, cos you will never know what size you want to print in future.

as long you make a print is 2:3 ratio, eg, 4R, S8R, S10R, you need not crop your photos to ratio.

but if you are printing on 3R, 5R, 6R, 8R paper, than you need to crop the image to the corresponding paper size ratio, to prevent the final print out have unwanted borders or part of image being crop off inappropriately.

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