Contradictions and Compromises in Preserving Values at 38 Oxley Road

I am utterly fascinated by the Singaporean system in so many respects home ownership just one. Perhaps someday even the bigger countries will have to look to places like SG for solutions to their problems. Just in my llifetime it seems there are so many more people than when I was young. For sure there are more problems. The difference here is we dont seem to handle some of these problems as adroitly as you all have.
I am certain the big dots could learn from the little dots but unfortunately they probably wont. We can still hope though.

Do remember that no policy anywhere in this World could please everyone... there will always be those who will never be happy no matter what... there will always be those who always wants more no matter how much they already have... no one can make and keep you happy if you don't choose or want to do so... if all a person could think of is 'Keeping Up With The Joneses'... then you'll unlikely to feel happy... :think:

You know where this is headed when they have engaged a bunch of cronies (...same old faces) to form the committee to look into the matter .............. talk about politicking under disguise ...... :what:

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You know where this is headed when they have engaged a bunch of cronies (...same old faces) to form the committee to look into the matter .............. talk about politicking under disguise ...... :what:

This is democracy in its finest by bringing the matter into the parliament to debate, to clarify and to enlighten.

It's not about a family. It's about a nation. Devote yourself to the service of the people and get elected and make your case in the parliament.

Facebook is an instrument and conspiracy for control by a big power. Don't fall into it believing it.

You can't run away as it is not safe out there. Go and ask the Singaporeans who are living in London.

:what: :what:

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I am utterly fascinated by the Singaporean system in so many respects home ownership just one. Perhaps someday even the bigger countries will have to look to places like SG for solutions to their problems. Just in my llifetime it seems there are so many more people than when I was young. For sure there are more problems. The difference here is we dont seem to handle some of these problems as adroitly as you all have.
I am certain the big dots could learn from the little dots but unfortunately they probably wont. We can still hope though.

Singapore has indeed given the world a very bad idea.....

You mean "Democracy" at it's finest? Anyway, if not for FB, many of us would still be in the dark over many issues that concern us ......Sinkies. The Garmen could go on propagating their rhetoric through the state-controlled media to have Sinkies believe what they will. .....go ask LHY and LWL why they have to resort to FB. :)

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..... next update will be sometime past midnight......:p


You mean "Democracy" at it's finest? Anyway, if not for FB, many of us would still be in the dark over many issues that concern us ......Sinkies. The Garmen could go on propagating their rhetoric through the state-controlled media to have Sinkies believe what they will. .....go ask LHY and LWL why they have to resort to FB. :)

"Democracy: Dēmoskrátos (Greek) literally "rule of the people".

Fortunately for Democracy Singaporeans don't believe what they read in FB.

Truths are in the Parliament where elected people are the enlightened truth keepers.


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Just for fun.... 以前警察穿短裤, 恐龙过马路... :bsmilie: