CBD pano during SFF04

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may i suggest siluatte (pardon my lousy gramma), i feel it under exposed rather then did on purpose.


The grass in the foreground seem to dominate the shot rather than your intended subject, the city skyline.

You have got some nice panoramic shots in your gallery. :thumbsup:


thanx for the comments:)

denniskee: it was underexposed for the sky, but i guess it din turn out tht well.

UY79: i tried to shoot from a different perspective, but it seems to emphasize too much on the uninteresting grass patch. thanx for visiting the gallery:)

Hi WS. Nice photos that you have there. May I know what is your setup?
Especially how the panaromic is set up.

Did you use a manfrotto panaromic head or kaidan? how many frames to stitch the shot?

Would be appreciative that you can share the knowledge.


hi tagore, thanx for the comments:)

the cbd shot was taken with a 300D and a normal tripod. took frames with more than 30% overlap in case i get a bad frame, still can cover up.

Really! wow, i thought you need a manfrotto panaromic head to do accurate sitching. Cathay was peddling it at $500. I am still considering.

One more question regarding your stitching. is it 100% accruate down to 1 pixel? The distortion is apparent for closer objects isnt it?

actually it is 2 questions

thanks for the knowledge

Aiyah, more straightforward. when are you free, buy you coffee.

tripod definitely help alot. but some are done handheld oso. i dun get 100% pixel to pixel matching. abit of cloning helps to eliminate some overlaps.

never used a panoromic head before, so not sure if it does help u achieve better matching.

come to SEED lah, i'm sure there are ppl with better knowledge who can share some tips with u:) if i'm there (most likely), we can talk over coffee:)

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