Canon Powershot Pro 1

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Yes, the Pro 1 is a very good cam - don't own one but did try out a friend's Pro 1, I liked the compact size, good EVF and useful zoom range, only thing lacking is Image Stabiliser (IS).

i tink you have to ask yourself if u r going for convenience of P&S or DSLR. the pro 1 is somewhat a hybrid top-grade P&S with some features found in a DSLR. the cam have incorporated L optics normally found in their highend EF lenses...with a good 28-200mm zoom range, making it an ideal lightweight cam for travel ....prices of the pro1 have dropped a fair bit since it was introduced somewhere july last year....

Icic. I actually jus started photography and wanted to buy something cheap and can help me profession in photography.

Jus wondering whether Canon Powershot Pro 1 has the capability of DSLR so tat next time if I get a DSLR I can work fine with.

the pro1 paves a bridging path for pple that wanna embark on some simple yet good photography while still provides some means of DSLR features.

so in the event u need to upgrade to DSLR, the learning curve may not be as daunting as u might expect...

bcad84 said:
Icic. I actually jus started photography and wanted to buy something cheap and can help me profession in photography.

Jus wondering whether Canon Powershot Pro 1 has the capability of DSLR so tat next time if I get a DSLR I can work fine with.

egg said:
Yes, the Pro 1 is a very good cam - don't own one but did try out a friend's Pro 1, I liked the compact size, good EVF and useful zoom range, only thing lacking is Image Stabiliser (IS).
Hmm... I believe with a tripod, proper exercise and handheld techniques, it would eliminate the problem of a non-existent IS on this highend P&S. :)

Den again, I wun deny that having an IS on any camera or lens is a bad thing since there might be days when ur hand just doesn't feel steady. :)

The Pro1 has a good megapixel count and optics.

The only thing i dislike is that it hunts under low light. the focusing speed is similar to the G3/G5 class and hunts under low light and low contrasty areas. The electronically-linked zoomring is a little slow in response.

But if you tend to shoot during the day or under studio lighting and bright light. the focusing shouldn't be a problem.

the L optics is sure tempting. :)

dont buy the pro-1, it is not very good

user111 said:
dont buy the pro-1, it is not very good

Why so? I think its a pretty capable camera. Care to give any reasons why you think otherwise?

I have used my friend's Pro 1. My immediate feeling is that the AF is way too slow. It takes ages to lock on, well, at least when compared to my sony f828. And I am not talking about low light situations here. Think it has that momentary "freeze" just before it achieves AF lock. Fast AF to me is very important.

Not sure about image quality since I did not get to view the shots on screen.

I almost bought one, but the view finder is digital image, quite difficult to see for night landscape photography, secondly the auto focus is a little slow for that kind of price, so gave up on it.

Paid a little more and got a Nikon D70 instead. If you are a Canon fan, go for Canon 350D, it is a good cam.

My exprience with the Pro 1 is a love hate relationship.

Love: the compact feel to it and it's light to carry around.

Hate: the slow AF and the lack of pushing the Aperture above 8.x (not sure if there is a firmware update for that)

Anyway, I bought this camera twice.. first sold it because I couldn't bear with it's slow AF and bought it back because I needed something light to bring it with me while travelling but sold it once I'm back.

It really depends on your need. If possible... you might wanna consider the 350D with a Tamron 28-300 lens for a walk around. :)

hmmm... I heard from alot of ppl that Pro 1 has slow AF. They also said that there is film ware update for it.

Can anyone confirm whether is it true that there a filmware update for it?

the manual zoom is laggy, compared to f828
and it extends way too much. thats bad ergonomics ;p

hi, slightly OT, but does anyone know how much does this camera go for these days?

I have a Powershot Pro1 for sale, about 15 months old. The camera is a fantastic camera, that got me so interested in photography that I decided to go for DSLRs. I didn't expect to use the DSLR so much, that I think I under utilize the camera now. Despite all the negative points above, I think to be fair, this is not a DSLR, and to me, one of the best speciments of one. If anyone interested, please make me a price, a reasonable one as I paid 1,700 for it. I hope to convert it to a good lens for my D70S!!

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