Canon Photo Marathon Asia

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you referring to my shot with that big canon lens?

erm, i dont really have a choice. i use canon, and that's the only other lens that i have. (i used a tamron lens to shoot that picture..)


No, don't feel bad about others comments. You did well and read the judges mind. Your creativity coupled with your wit made your shots stood out from the rest.

I look forward to hear from your Japan trip experience. Maybe we can organise a small gathering after your trip.

Have a fun trip to Japan!

after 5 years...this year has the most salon.........perhaps they should rename it......photosalon marathon.......too extreme i have to add

don't be surprised that we will see even more salon next yr.. based on this yr's experience :bsmilie::bsmilie:

wth, some winnng shots are really no sense yet it can win...not to say i am being a sore loser but seriously some pictures are crap, like taking a picture of a canon camera and u can win a prize, plus the competitors WEARING the canon clothes itself is able to go in...

Judging is not an easy task. Whether fair or not is unimportant. How one melt the judges' hearts is key.

Just like in advertising, u want to impress the creative directors, give them the basic bare bones - sketches in pencils, doodlings, all they want is the idea/concept.

they don't care about how much time you spent on photoshop or buying much materials from the art shop to beautify. If the pencil scratchings is a great idea, you worthy to be recruited.

Likewise its the same here i guess, just do the bare minimum and impress the judges, that's the main aim. If idea is good, it doesnt matter if your shot has bad lighting, noisy background, no rule of thirds idealogy, no pattern/lines/colors (stuff which Mr.JC so painfully preached during the seminar). As long as it's a good idea and the judges love it.

I believe it's gonna be the same next year, so let's stop complaining and start practising. Go Go Go!!! :bsmilie:

Kind of ironic isn't it. Preaching the rules but not practising it:think:. I guess the organisers did not make their judging criteria clear. Hence so much subjectivity seen.

I can appreciate a few of the winning shots but some really ???. There are quite a lot of the better ones.

after 5 years...this year has the most salon.........perhaps they should rename it......photosalon marathon.......too extreme i have to add

No offence... but I would hardly classify the entries as salon photography. Salon photography places A LOT of emphasis on set-up photography, composition AND carefully created lighting. I saw a lot of spontaneous photography during the slideshow - hardly salon stuff...

No, don't feel bad about others comments. You did well and read the judges mind. Your creativity coupled with your wit made your shots stood out from the rest.

I look forward to hear from your Japan trip experience. Maybe we can organise a small gathering after your trip.

Have a fun trip to Japan!

actually, i didnt even went for the seminar. wanted to go, but forgot about it.

so instead of running around taking stuff that i know 3/4 of the people will take (like the old man playing chess, the wakeboarding etc), i went a different route - which alot of people commented that i was crazy (my parents included)

:confused: :dunno:

actually, i didnt even went for the seminar. wanted to go, but forgot about it.

so instead of running around taking stuff that i know 3/4 of the people will take (like the old man playing chess, the wakeboarding etc), i went a different route - which alot of people commented that i was crazy (my parents included)

:confused: :dunno:

tat would be interesting, wat did u shoot?

ok i will learn from all of your opinions here, i guess it is true, that it is the judges's opinion of the photo is nice or not. So what shot was yours stratix?

actually, i didnt even went for the seminar. wanted to go, but forgot about it.

so instead of running around taking stuff that i know 3/4 of the people will take (like the old man playing chess, the wakeboarding etc), i went a different route - which alot of people commented that i was crazy (my parents included)

:confused: :dunno:

Actually, I took the same thinking as yours, but mine not so creative. I went to youth park and saw so many pp, I quickly chow. No pt. Judges also sian seeing so many replicas.
Your trolley shot was good.

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