Canon 50mm f/1.8 consider wide angle lens?


May 3, 2010
as per topic, can anyone tell? I'm still new on dslr, some ppl told me that canon 18-55 kit lens also is a wide angle lens when turned to 18mm, is that true? :sweat:

Yes, 18mm is considered wide, even when factoring in the crop.
50mm is pretty much considered "standard". It depends on your cam, if there is a multiplier, it will be considered a tele instead.

Yes 18mm on an APS-C camera (most entry level DSLRs) can be considered wide. "Normal" which is what your eye sees without a lens in front of it is around 31-33mm on APS-C depending on exact model.

as per topic, can anyone tell? I'm still new on dslr, some ppl told me that canon 18-55 kit lens also is a wide angle lens when turned to 18mm, is that true? :sweat:
50mm f/1.8 is not a WA lens.

as per topic, can anyone tell? I'm still new on dslr, some ppl told me that canon 18-55 kit lens also is a wide angle lens when turned to 18mm, is that true? :sweat:
on a APS DSLR, shorter than 35mm focal length consider as wide angle, longer than 35mm focal length consider as tele-photo

the kit lens is a Varifocal lens aka zoom lens, it cover wide to tele focal length,

hmmm.....Thanks all....learn a lot here....:)

You are lucky today, TS. On some days, asking such questions will kena lecture on how to google for your own answer. I still cannot figure out when the lao jiao decide to give lecture on using google, and when they are all nice and give you the answer you look for. Hang around a while and you will know what I mean :bsmilie:

You are lucky today, TS. On some days, asking such questions will kena lecture on how to google for your own answer. I still cannot figure out when the lao jiao decide to give lecture on using google, and when they are all nice and give you the answer you look for. Hang around a while and you will know what I mean :bsmilie:

Its mid-week I guess. Monday blues have worn off.

it's not a wide angle lens... the best way to see is to check thru your viewfinder, if you think it's wide enough then it's deemed as wide angle to you loh...

You are lucky today, TS. On some days, asking such questions will kena lecture on how to google for your own answer. I still cannot figure out when the lao jiao decide to give lecture on using google, and when they are all nice and give you the answer you look for. Hang around a while and you will know what I mean :bsmilie:
Go google and check and you'll find an answer. =PP

on a APS DSLR, shorter than 35mm focal length consider as wide angle, longer than 35mm focal length consider as tele-photo

this is an interesting read about what constitute a telephoto lens.

But by Canon's segregation (for full frame or 35mm equivalent):
<= 35mm = wide angle
50mm = standard
>= 85mm = medium telephoto
>= 135mm = telephoto
>300 super telephoto

To expand on what Catchlights shared :) ... based on a 35mm sized FF sensor and visual perception (50mm on FF sensor roughly corresponds to normal eyesight FOV, hence the term, 'normal' lens):

Anything less than 20mm is Ultra Wide
21-35: wide
36-45: 'wide-ish' normal
46-58: normal
59-105: short tele
106-300: tele
>301: super tele

Whatever the focal length of a lens, if you're using any kind of crop factor body, simply multiply the focal length by the crop factor and you get a rough estimation of the field of view (FOV) of that focal length on a particular body, e.g.,

an 18mm lens is ultra wide (on a 35mm FF)
Put on a 1.6x crop body, it has a FOV of 28.8mm.
No more ultra wide, but acts like a normal wide angle lens.

A rough definition is as follow:

1 - UWA is any focal length shorter than the width of sensor (for FF is 24mm or less)
2 - WA is any focal length between width and length of sensor (for FF is 24-35mm)
3 - Normal/Standard is 1 to 2 times the length of sensor (for FF is 35-70mm)
4 - Medium Telephoto is about 2 - 4 times the length of sensor (for FF is 70-135mm)
5 - Telephoto is about 4 - 8 times the length of sensor (for FF is 135-300mm)
6 - Super Telephoto is more than 8 times the length of sensor ( for FF is 300mm or more)

For crop sensor, just divide the focal length by the cropped value.

You are lucky today, TS. On some days, asking such questions will kena lecture on how to google for your own answer. I still cannot figure out when the lao jiao decide to give lecture on using google, and when they are all nice and give you the answer you look for. Hang around a while and you will know what I mean :bsmilie:

when pple is really really green horn and dunnoe what is DSLR i guess

when you see he post like a 100 + and still dunnoe what he is talking about...

probably firers watcha front :D