breakfast at ikea

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New Member
Jan 30, 2002
Comments appreciated!


I think that if you had close up more to the bubbles, it will be more aproperate to define it at Macro/Close-up.

Oso, the reflections off the bubbles would make it better.
The background (the spoon) give a very ugly contrast to the subject (the bubbles). If it is just the bubbles in the cup(whatever it is) and have the reflection of the spoon in the bubbles, I think it will make a superd pic!

Just my $0.02 worth

It is not saliva, I think saliva would have stickiness to it ;p

Personally I thought the reflection on the spoon was distracting. I was exploring the curves - ovals of the cup and spoon and circles of the bubbles. Didn't think of doing a macro shot of the bubbles alone... will explore that when I have the chance again!

Also, wanted to explore the range of greys... without the spoon I think I wouldn't have noticed the picture or want to take the bubbles. So the spoon is an integral part of the picture I saw after finishing the cup of cornflakes and milk.

(Didn't keep picture of cornflakes.)

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