Best CRT monitor for editing

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josho said:
Interesting.. I have somehow face the same prob as you Castle. Everytime I edit something, turn out the photo is way wrong. My CRT is philips and its still new. I was wondering how? Shall I get a calibrator or change my graphic card or... change my monitor?

Look like Gamut Labs point out that Viewsonic LCD do impress me *especially the wide screen* but aint sure the price tho.

Hi Josh , basically check your gamut of your current monitor profile- Technically speaking, if the monitor profile is very close to the sRGB color space. When you view pictures embedded with sRGB in non ICC aware applications such as IE and firefox in windows, the color shifts should be minimal. Nic also helped verify this in his last posting.

And speaking of which, it seems that you DO need to calibrate your monitor.Which probably explains the wrongness of the colors when viewed else where after editing.

You can take a look at my gamut for the samsung CRT, when i was using it last time, there wasn't much of a color shift at all.

my only solution to this problem for now is to image-convert to monitor profile
and then adjust the colors to match the sRGB one...then save for web and discard the monitor profile.

This way both mac and windows platforms view the picture based on its monitor profile and i get similiar colors across it. The downside? Uncalibrated monitors definitely cannot see accurate colors in this way. Safari even though as it may be color aware, will view the pictures without embedded profiles using the monitor profile OSX is set to.

other than that, i got to start shopping for a new monitor=/

if my pictures printed out appear slightly off that of what i editted in photoshop, does it mean i have to get a monitor calibrator? or do i get a printer calibrator? whats the diff?
what is the cheapest calibrator i could get?
also, when printing, does the built-in adobe color adjust thing work ok?

Castlesinthesky said:
Hi Josh , basically check your gamut of your current monitor profile- Technically speaking, if the monitor profile is very close to the sRGB color space. When you view pictures embedded with sRGB in non ICC aware applications such as IE and firefox in windows, the color shifts should be minimal. Nic also helped verify this in his last posting.

And speaking of which, it seems that you DO need to calibrate your monitor.Which probably explains the wrongness of the colors when viewed else where after editing.

You can take a look at my gamut for the samsung CRT, when i was using it last time, there wasn't much of a color shift at all.

my only solution to this problem for now is to image-convert to monitor profile
and then adjust the colors to match the sRGB one...then save for web and discard the monitor profile.

This way both mac and windows platforms view the picture based on its monitor profile and i get similiar colors across it. The downside? Uncalibrated monitors definitely cannot see accurate colors in this way. Safari even though as it may be color aware, will view the pictures without embedded profiles using the monitor profile OSX is set to.

other than that, i got to start shopping for a new monitor=/

Pls forgive me as I dun understand what is gamut mean.
And whats the best way to check it? Im not an expert in this field. Really need alot of guidance about these. :)

Good luck for purchases as well ;)

josho said:
Pls forgive me as I dun understand what is gamut mean.
And whats the best way to check it? Im not an expert in this field. Really need alot of guidance about these. :)

Good luck for purchases as well ;)

Hey josho,

might want to take a look at this. might clear up some doubts


hazmee said:
orry to crash into your thread buSt has anyone heard of and used Lacie LCD monitors?
Yes, I have a Lacie 21" LCD monitor in my studio. Lacie monitors (both CRTs and LCDs) are OEMed by Mitsubishi/NEC. When compared my other monitor, a Sony Artisan, the gamut isn't as wide and the grays on the Artisan looks cleaner. Therefore, I use the Artisan for soft-proofing.

photobum said:
Yes, I have a Lacie 21" LCD monitor in my studio. Lacie monitors (both CRTs and LCDs) are OEMed by Mitsubishi/NEC. When compared my other monitor, a Sony Artisan, the gamut isn't as wide and the grays on the Artisan looks cleaner. Therefore, I use the Artisan for soft-proofing.
Thanks for the tips. Looks like I might give the Sony Artisan a good hard look. Cheers mate!

have to ship in the artisan though and it's a monster. i tried contacting Sony when I was still in Epson. reply was "erm, i don't think we have that model in asia leh, got specific model number?"

i'm using a dell p1110 which is using a sony tube (iirc) and i love it! got two of them now!

as for second hand light bulbs, i guess i've been lucky, mine was bought 4 years old, and i've used it for about 2 years... still going good. :)

jOhO said:
i'm using a dell p1110 which is using a sony tube (iirc) and i love it! got two of them now!

as for second hand light bulbs, i guess i've been lucky, mine was bought 4 years old, and i've used it for about 2 years... still going good. :)

lucky you!;)

Gamut Labs said:
have to ship in the artisan though and it's a monster. i tried contacting Sony when I was still in Epson. reply was "erm, i don't think we have that model in asia leh, got specific model number?"

are you serious?:bsmilie:

Castlesinthesky said:
are you serious?:bsmilie:

very serious my friend. Typical demand vs supply issue. You can try calling them here.

hmm look like arista is really good.. but I guess the price is not cheap as well.. I think I stick to my philips at the time being, but then again, Im looking at the proper graphic card. I had dual output but its analog and digital which give me both different result. You have any recommendation? Or rather its maxtrox graphic card? Will those gaming card also fit in the bill as well?

Gamut Labs said:
very serious my friend. Typical demand vs supply issue. You can try calling them here.

How about Silicon Graphics? Are they any good? Price is steep but how is their performance?

CRT wise, I think Silicon graphics still can't match up to triniton tube. I had a 21' SG monitor that broke down and I only found out how much better triniton tubes are after I got a IBM 21' crt using triniton tube. LCD wise, SG is really pricey!!

I believe Artisans are no longer in production... :(

Agree with Nic, for day to day stuff Viewsonics are great :thumbsup: for the really Pro needs, might want to look into this new range from NEC

if my pictures printed out appear slightly off that of what i editted in photoshop, does it mean i have to get a monitor calibrator? or do i get a printer calibrator? whats the diff?
what is the cheapest calibrator i could get?
also, when printing, does the built-in adobe color adjust thing work ok?

also, how do you know if your CRT is using trinitron tube? is it written at the back?

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