[AT] Travel the World with my D800E

After battling the attacks by midges, one is rewarded with a view of Loch Restil in the Argyll Forest Park in Scotland.

22. Loch Restil by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr Explored 5 Apr 2013

Also on Getty Images

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And I took this one out of the window of the car when we stopped at traffic lights in New Delhi. This is a portrait of a street kid who performs silly tricks by the roadside just to get a penny or two and his sad eyes tell us how tough his life has been.

26. Street Kid by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr

Nice shots!

Going Down Under, this is a landmark that has been taken to death. I didn't have a tripod to do fancier shots since I was on a business trip, so I had to rely on the D800E's low-light capability and this is the best I could do @ ISO 6400.

27. Icon by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr

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very nice series. thanks for sharing and keep going!

Thank you. I wonder how long I could go on before I run out of photos though. Here's Mongkok, Hong Kong. I love music in the streets, and Hong Kongers who are forever in a rush, were actually stopped in their tracks by her playing.

29. Stop and listen by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr

And as always, one returns to Singapore. I've been wanting to photograph these dishes for a long time but wasn't too sure how to do it. I took one today, but I gotta try a different angle.

30. ET Phone Home by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr

Also on Getty Images

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This is actually during work. I visited an oil drilling site in Papua New Guinea, one of the more remote places I've been to. Recent news about violence towards tourists in PNG is quite chilling.

31. Drilling rig by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr

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This is actually during work. I visited an oil drilling site in Papua New Guinea, one of the more remote places I've been to. Recent news about violence towards tourists in PNG is quite chilling.

31. Drilling rig by Andrew Tan 2011, on Flickr

Not many people have the chance to take picture of the rig at such a distance. I am jealous ;p

Not many people have the chance to take picture of the rig at such a distance. I am jealous ;p

Thanks bro, grateful for the opportunity, though it comes with risks. I'm sure you have other subjects I'll be jealous of.

Beijing on a Sunday evening, after I landed at the airport, but before the work week starts on Monday.

Brings a smile when i see this pic. Its so funny. :)