Anyone shoots 7D in M mode mostly?

Personally, I thinking using M mode during night shoot is the best. Gives a very good exposure.

I don't get what some of you are posting... all 3 modes - M, Av, Tv have their uses. There's no 'best' mode.

Some of you find Av the best because of the style of your shooting. Same applies to Tv and M. But there are always situations where one may be 'easier' than the other, not 'better'.

Eg. Some say Av is 'best' if you want to control the DOF, but what if its dimly lit and Av sets your Shutter at 1/15? Then I'd rather go M mode, bump the Shutter up to 1/50 or 1/60 and push ISO up to 800 or 1600 or even 3200. A slightly noisy and sharp picture is better than a blur picture which is better than no picture.

M mode is my default setting.
Actually I do not want to spend time to think whether I must shoot in Av, M, Tv, P etc.
M mode can satisfy my need most of the time.
After all, changing the speed and aperture in 7D is quite fast. just turn the main and quick dial left and right. to change the focus point, just turn the joystick left, right, up, and down.
Like playing the computer games, if we get used to the button of the keyboard/joystick, we can react very fast.
I get used with the M mode already.

Well, I might not be a 7D user (heck, i'm on Nikon), but I stick to M mode almost all the time unless i'm shooting in a situation at which the lighting changes too quickly (ie. concert, then again, not all concerts use pulsating lights). I snap, then I see the exposure, then I toggle the settings, then I'm good for the time. No need to AE-L or deal with the spot metering jumping EVs :)


Shoot Manual, most of the times.

Exceptional cases when i do not prefer manual are -
Shutter priority - shooting action & sports indoors.
AV - shooting action & sports outdoors.