Anyone bought Country Garden Danga B?

Pacific Mall 咸鱼返生 - resurrection. Maybe Najib realised what an eye sore it was to all visitors to MLY.

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Pacific Mall 咸鱼返生 - resurrection. Maybe Najib realised what an eye sore it was to all visitors to MLY.

It is still considered good location la. Plus govt offered good incentives for anyone willing to buy over any of the six white elephants. I think Pacific Mall was bought for RM 31 million IIRC.

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Recent news Johor says you pay 5% of purchase price as processing fee, instead of a flat fee of RM$10,000 regardless of property price.
If property is worth RM$2 Million, then you pay 5% of RM$2 Million = RM$100,000 "processing fee".
This is the beginning only. They will think of more ways to squeeze you for money. Especially when trying to get (does not mean you will eventually get) the title deed.

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who so you think are the ones who are attacted to this kind of property?? I guess not those who live in District 9,10,11. those who are now staying at TPY AMK or Eunos, Bedok or Tampines......... some might be attracted by the mucho bigger space there, to do some gardening, to plant some veggies or some bananas....

Recent news Johor says you pay 5% of purchase price as processing fee, instead of a flat fee of RM$10,000 regardless of property price.
If property is worth RM$2 Million, then you pay 5% of RM$2 Million = RM$100,000 "processing fee".
This is the beginning only. They will think of more ways to squeeze you for money. Especially when trying to get (does not mean you will eventually get) the title deed.

Well, that's timely political move don't you think especially with the UMNO election is just round the corcer....In SG, our gov also make it harder for foreigner to buy a property it's only fair to say that they are entitle to appease their people in order to get enought vote in election....commoner like us can only drool and envy on people with $ to lets get back to work shall we :mad2:

they will find ways to catch those early birds who escaped with paying only MYR10,000

This rule applies only to foreigners (meaning non-MLY).

This rule applies to new properties AND to properties on the secondary market. Meaning even if the property flip resale if 4th hand, the 4th buyer will have to pay 5%. Of course the 1st, 2nd and 3rd buyers will also have paid 5% each separately. So of course the selling price will escalate accordingly in order for the seller to recoup his losses.

I think there is no escape for early birds. They may explain that your deal with the developer/property marketing agent is just your private deal. They are talking about enforcement of a government ruling, i.e. the deal is not yet officially recognised until such-and-such MLY Federal government department (in KL) has registered it.

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What I think, tinted with a bit of personal experience of it.

1. Remember CLOB. - this is the country where they happy happy declare that Singaporean investments all 'bo pakeh' (don't count).

2. Johore is a big place - everywhere can be opened up for development. Esp. true for the suburbs where there is no real focal point for business/activities to push up prices. So why I want to buy your old place when developer can develop an new one right next to yours.

3. Look at it as a place to stay (not earn) - then again 'maybe' because of #1. So my few cents, its safer if you have a 'M'sian connection' (eg. spouse who is m'sian; m'sian close relations; somehow can be 'm'sian' via proxy )

4. Someone said - 'Chinese Tsunami' ...

5. M'sia can build, cannot maintain. - Just go around Johore, examples abound. The condos are the worst.

6. Crime - Break-ins, common enough. Imagine if you are the only one with 'Sgp' car license plate parked outside during weekends. If I am the robber looking out for a house to break in or rob, who you think I go for.
A house is also far easier to break in (esp. when you are not in during weekdays).
An estate with security is a bit better.
Better have someone stay in the house even during weekdays too.

But everybody's 'abacus' calculate differently, :D so these are just my few cents on it.

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